Monday, August 25, 2008

refurbished cards

I love receiving things in the mail (however, not as excited about junk mail or bills). Wedding invitations, birth announcements, thank you notes, thinking of you cards, birthday invites...these are a few of my favorites! I display most of the invitations and announcements on our refrigerator, but I have a special place for cards. I usually leave them up for a good 2 weeks and then sort through them to see what to keep or what to toss. I like to keep cards that have special attachments, but some of the cards I can't bare to just throw away because they are so cute! So, I set them aside in a "future inspiration" pile. I love to create new cards out of existing cards.

Here is one that I made today....

thank you card received in the mail for a birthday present


birthday card for a boy

Here are a couple of others that I have "refurbished" in the past...

So, the next time you think about just tossing that card in the trash, think twice about it and hold on to it for some future inspiration!

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