Tuesday, October 21, 2008

did you say beets?

Tonight I did something new and it worked for me! This summer/first part of fall we participated in a farm which offered weekly harvest boxes full of fresh produce for a one-time fee. The last week of the shares we had some beets (once again!) that needed to be used up. Instead of finding a use for them in a salad, or other kind of main dish, I decided to try and think out of the box, but I never do anything like that in the kitchen on my own, so I visited my favorite recipe site - All Recipes. And, with not really knowing what I was looking for, the recipe that caught me by surprise was titled Beet Bundt Cake (click here for the recipe, and be sure to read the reviews to make it even better). It got 4 1/2 out of 5 stars and I've already made Zucchini Brownies and Rhubarb Crumble Pie, so why not give beets a whirl to add to a dessert. Overall, it was a pain having to boil the beets, skin them, and then puree them, but I was curious enough on how it would turn out that I went ahead and did all the work. The final product was actually pretty good. I could taste a hint of the beets, but I also knew they were there, so maybe I wouldn't have had I not known. Of course, chocolate cake is never complete without a couple scoops of ice cream, and together this dessert was quite tasty and enjoyable.

look how red the batter turned out...this made me nervous

looks like a regular chocolate cake, doesn't it?

the final product
~ beets and all ~

To check out what works for others, visit Works for Me Wednesday hosted by Rocks in My Dryer.


  1. Oh how cool!
    Just wait til I sneak these in on my kids,lol.

    You are right on time for me-- I have late beets growing in my garden and some stubborn kids who THINK that they are not going to eat too much of them. (and shhhhh, I have some in the fridge right now, hee hee hee)

  2. Someday, if I ever find myself the accidental owner of some beets, I'll have to try this. It's probably good. Like carrot cake or zucchini bread. It just sounds a bit ... off. Like mayonnaise cake (which is also quite yummy, so long as one doesn't spend too much time considering one's ingredient list).

    Thanks for the tip. The cake is a lovely color!

  3. That looks yummy! I should try that for my baby girl sometime...

  4. Wow, look at your presentation! I'm not that good, but I think I'll give that one a try. I love using beets in my cooking.

  5. looks beautiful! not sure that I'll be rushing out to buy any beets...LOL


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