Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a systematic grocery list works for me!

For this week's Works-for-Me Wednesday, I thought I would share a simple, yet functional tip I recently created for myself to be more on top of the dreaded job of grocery shopping (or should I say the dreaded grocery bill). I'm sure there are better systems that have been created by "pros", but I haven't had time to find one, so here is my own little creation.

Last week, in preparation for a much needed grocery trip (so sorry my little ones for the peanut butter and jelly repeats), I decided to jot down my list by breaking it into categories of things that I might find in the grocery store together. (I've heard of some people even mapping out their favorite grocery store and shopping that way.) I figured this would help my trip move more smoothly and quickly.

My first version was just a bunch of scribble (see below), but I decided that I could benefit from typing up a quick version to save on the computer that I could print off whenever I needed to start a new list.

My plan is to keep this handy on the fridge (probably on the side), so when I run out of something while I'm cooking or baking, I can write it down in the correct category. I'm sure as I continue to use this system, I will find that I may need to add categories or tweak it a little to be more efficient. I have also decided to hang an envelope that will be meant for coupons for things that I already have on the list, so I don't forget to take the coupons with me. I have a coupon organizer that I use often, but sometimes I forget to grab it when I do a quick grocery shopping trip and then realize after getting home that I had a coupon for the items in my bag!

Head on over to Rocks in My Dryer for more of Works-for-Me Wednesday.

**For those interested, next week's Works for Me Wednesday will be a themed edition sharing about toys worth buying. Want to participate? Check it out here.


  1. Okay..I love this...I love the coupon holder..that is great!!! I cut out coupons and then forget that I can use them??? I think I will be copying you..this will work for me!
    -sandy toes

  2. cool! Love seeing other people do this too, makes me feel less freaky LOL!

  3. Oh nice!! I've organized it before based on the aisles and what I thought I'd find together (i.e. frozen food)and it helped me forget less. LOL Thanks for sharing your tip!

  4. I think with young kids, that the more organized you are at the store, the better. Great tip! They are precious!!

  5. This is so helpful to me. I also like your little envelope for coupons. I might copy you on both...I usually shove the coupons in a drawer and then forget to grab them on my way out the door!

  6. I think I'll give this one a try. I have a shopping list, but it isn't systematized! And I've been trying to find a way to organize and use my coupons!

  7. You are an organizer after my own heart. I also have a typed out shopping list. I love being "organized". Love your blog!!!!

  8. Your working list looked a lot like mine did!


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