Friday, November 21, 2008

who me?

Last night's dinner...

So, do I get the mother and wife of the year award or what??

Although I may never get that highly coveted award (that's for sure!), I did get my first blog award given to me by Lynz over at The Miles Family. Lynz is a mother of three and soon to be four! I found her blog when I first started blogging this last summer and because of her love for her family, I continue to enjoy checking in on her. She is a woman who is all about family and has a passion for teaching her children about all of the blessings in life. I commend her on raising her family in such a way. Thanks, Lynz, for always being one of the first to leave a comment and for honoring my blogging efforts with this award. I do appreciate the kind words and thoughtful blogger gift!

The rules for this award are...
1. Pick ten people and pass this award to them.
2. Then contact them and let them know you have chosen them and their blog for the award.
3. Also link back to the person who gave you this award.

I chose to pick 10 bloggers who I don't know personally. (I hope my friends already know that I am their biggest fan.) The ten blogs I chose (in no particular order) are blogs that I have found great inspiration from to further my passion for creativity.

1. Buzzings of a Queen Bee
2. Her Cup Overfloweth
3. Joy's Hope
4. Just a Girl
5. Make and Takes
6. Little Birdie Secrets
7. Just for Fun
8. Flip Flops & Applesauce
9. Skip to My Lou
10. My Insanity

Please go check out these amazingly creative blogs.

And be sure to tell them I sent you...


  1. Thank you so much for the award! It means a lot:)

  2. You're welcome! I love reading your blog! I can't wait to check out your winners!

  3. Thanks for the award.
    Lots of love to you! Chrissie from flipflops and applesauce

  4. Thank you for the award! More importantly, thank you for serving your family corndogs and fries. I AM normal! :)

  5. Heidi,
    I don't care jack about awards, really I'm not offended-it's not like I put any effort or anything into my "lame" posts... ;)
    But I think I may have outdone your dinner tonight, I actually sent my husband to the store with the sole purpose of buying T.V dinners for the fam-oh, yeah and some milk.
    I also made him take his cell phone so he could call me if he wasn't quite sure which T.V dinner it was that I wanted. He's probably thinking this is going to be a long, pain-in-the-hiney kind of pregnancy. These are proud moments I tell you! ;)
    So, keep up the good work, I salute you!
    And yes we should get together and drown our sorrows over some pumpkin bread after thanksgiving!


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