Wednesday, December 17, 2008

WFMW - snowman gift bag

In an effort to contribute some sort of Christmas craftiness to the blogging world, I thought I would share with you a simple, yet super cute idea for a gift bag. I used this particular idea as our December MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) craft.

This would be the perfect little bag for some yummy homemade goodies that you could give to the neighbors or your friends. These bags would be easy to make in bulk. I found the white bags at Michaels craft store in a package of 12 for less than $4.00 and then all you need is black, orange, and red cardstock and some snowflake embellishments (I used glitter foam snowflakes). For the directions and template for the individual snowman pieces, visit this Family Fun link. Remember, I'm pretty good at duplicating projects and this one is no different. (Although I do take credit for making it my own by tweaking the directions a bit.)

Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday!


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