Sunday, February 22, 2009

birthday on the brain

Yesterday I celebrated my 31st birthday (it feels so weird writing that!). I woke up to a nice surprise of my favorite kind of doughnuts, which I haven't had since my birthday last year (you know, with trying to be on this weight loss kick and all). Mikayla was eager to give me the birthday card that she helped make, and Ryan had a scavenger hunt all set up for me around the house, finding little gifts along the way. What a sweet husband! For lunch we headed to Red Robin and then afterwords Ryan took the kids home for a nap and I got to do some "kidless" browsing at Target. Later in the day my mom came to the house to watch the kids while Ryan and I snuck away to a movie. It was a very relaxing and enjoyable day with the family.


On Friday Mikayla went to one of her best friend's 3rd birthday party. It was all pink and princess-y...just the way Ellie likes it! They decorated crowns, wands, ate princess cake, attempted a little dress up, and watched the birthday girl open her presents. To say the least, Mikayla didn't want to leave!

Princess Mikayla & Princess Ellie


In just 2 short months exactly from today's date, Mikayla will be turning 3 herself! And, friends, how that happened all of the sudden...I have yet to understand! I'll save the mooshy-gooshy stuff for her birthday, but as I started thinking and planning for what we wanted to do for her party, I thought I would share some of my birthday party ideas from the past to get in the party planning mood!

Austin's 1st Birthday - monkey theme
(for more detail, check it out here)

Mikyala's 1st Birthday - butterfly theme
Mikayla's 2nd Birthday (friends) - ladybug theme
Mikayla's 2nd Birthday (family) - flowers and favorites theme
(for more detail, check it out here)
Is it obvious that I love a good theme? I think we've narrowed Mikayla's 3rd birthday party down to a dress up/tea time party. So, I'll be on the hunt for some great party plans. We'll only be inviting a few of Mikayla's little girlfriends, so it means that I get to do some major spoiling! I'd love to hear from anyone who has planned a dress up or tea time party before and the kind of things that you did. I've already gathered some great ideas, but I'm definitely looking for more!

And, most importantly...
thank you to everyone who shared a birthday greeting yesterday! It made my day!!


  1. Those cupcakes are SO CUTE! I mostly just went all out on the birthday cakes. Maybe I will show you someday. Anyway, I hope you had a great birthday. I love scavenger hunts! Last year Jeremy surprised me with a day of downhill skiing. It was great to have the two of us get out like that and it was so much fun! Who knows what my 31st holds. Only 3 more months away!
    See you on Thursday!

  2. Very cute themes throughout the years. I am trying to plan something for the baby's birthday and haven't thought of anything yet, but it's going to be small so it shouldn't be a problem.

    Have fun!

  3. Happy Birthday Heidi (a day belated)! I'm glad you had a good day! You deserve special treats on your bday! Love all your cute ideas and themes. Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. I love the butterfly cupcakes! I always make cupcakes for my babies birthdays too! Last year, Libby had a ladybug theme for her third birthday and Emma Jane had a teddy bear theme for her first! EJ's second birthday is in two weeks and we are just having a family party so I am trying to keep it simple. I may steal your butterfly cupcake idea!

  5. Hey, I just found a great blog for birthday parties. It is on my side bar blog links...I believe it is called Party Wishes...she has some ADORABLE tea party ideas! You should definately check her out.

    Thanks for stopping by and your kind words.

  6. Happy birthday yesterday!!! I'm sorry that I missed it! It sounds like it was great though!

    What I would do for sometime to shop kidless! and a scavenger hunt sounds super sweet and fun! I think your hubby sounds like a keeper!

    Happy (late) Birthday!

  7. Happy happy birthday to you! Those are some adorable tips, thanks!

  8. wow! I love all the cute theme ideas!! I found a website last fall called, and it's quickly become a fave for me. They have a really cute pixie princess party with tons of dang easy ideas that might work for what you are looking for...


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