Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i'm in the sisterhood!

These last few weeks I have really been enjoying blogging a whole lot more than when I first started the blog last May. I am lucky to be in a phase of life where things have slowed down a bit (for which I am thankful and I'm sure will be short!) and blogging has become my ultimate just mommy outlet.

Where my blog first started out as a way to show off my kids since updating our family website was something only my husband could do, it gradually turned into a place where I could share my thoughts and creativity with the "outside world"...and of course, I still manage to sneak in shots of my sweet blue-eyed babes!

Within these last few weeks I have really gotten to know quite a few different ladies through various blogs I have come to enjoy and be inspired by. A couple of these ladies offered me an award and who am I to refuse that??

A big thank you goes to Kelli at Outside My Kitchen Window & Kasey at All That is Good. Both of these women are inspiring and super sweet! They've taken time to leave comments on my blog on a regular basis and I just love seeing what they have to share through their own blog. Because of these two wonderful ladies, I am now part of the Sisterhood!!

**Updated to add: Julie from Tattered Threads & Willing Hands (such a beautiful blog name!) just gave me this award, as well! She had such super sweet things to say about me and now I'm blushing. Thanks, Julie! It's been fun getting to know you through Friend Makin' Mondays over at Kasey's!!

The rules of this award are...

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Michelle at Her Cup Overfloweth
Lynz at The Miles Family
Tammy at Raising Angels
Katie at A Listmaker's Life
Missy at Simply Red
Kim at Caldwell Cuties
Shelley at My Treasure Hunt
The Masked Mommy

I wanted to give this back to (is this cheating?!):

Kasey at All That is Good
Kelli at Outside My Kitchen Window


  1. Funny...great minds think alike. you've been awarded again.

  2. You're so sweet! have a good night!

  3. Thank you so much! This really did cheer me up tonight! And congratulations to you! I guess we're bloggy sisters now :-) I'll be holding an awards ceremony on my blog at the end of this month and I will pass it on!

  4. Oh Heidi! Thanks for the award! I have really enjoyed reading your blog as I too find my blog world friends to be my mommy outlet! I can't wait to pass it on (probably on Saturday:)

  5. It is so nice to be recognized by blogging buddies isn't it?

    And I'm with you; my blog is on an upswing lately as well! Here's to continued blog fodder!

  6. Thanks Heidi! You are too kind! I have enjoyed and been inspired by your posts as is so fun to make new friends who are very like-minded! And eggs and oil is all you need to's easy!

  7. See? We all just want to BE you. What with your craftiness and organization and your crafty organization. We stand in awe.


  8. You are an amazing friend. I will get the post up soon. See you soon!

  9. Thanks Heidi! I don't think that's can never give too much love. Fun getting to know you!

  10. Hey Heidi, Thank you so much! I too have found my "Mommy outlet" blogging over this last year. It's so fun to "meet" and get to know you and other blogging friend's that I would have never gotten the opportunity to know!


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