Monday, February 2, 2009

muffin tin monday...barely

Mikayla had an impromptu muffin tin tonight for dinner. We barely squeezed it in, but as I was preparing our dinner tonight, I had a little extra time to create something for this week's color-themed muffin tin - all things yellow!

Our muffin tin included (clockwise, starting from top):
bananas, applesauce, vanilla pudding, parmesan cheese bread, spaghetti (Mikayla is a "no sauce" girl), and corn...
of course with a glass of yellow-tinted milk on the side

For more muffin tins to brighten your day, visit Her Cup Overfloweth.


  1. girl you even had yellow utensils!?!? Get out of town! that's soooo great!

  2. that looks so yummy! we have such lucky kids~


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