Sunday, March 29, 2009


Blogging break? What blogging break?

As you can see, I snuck in each day during the weekend just to share a few tidbits here and there, so by looking at my blog you wouldn't have even been able to tell that I had considered myself "on a break"!

I've been processing a lot of thoughts lately, and I wanted to share them as a way for me to sort through all that's swirling around in my head. So, please forgive me for the long (and possibly boring?) post I'm about to share. Let's just pretend this is eloquently written and I have grabbed a hold of your attention. The. Entire. Time.

On Wednesday night I had come to the conclusion that I had been avoiding a lot of my priorities lately and I began to wonder why? My initial thought was that I was spending too much time blogging, so I instantly made the decision (at 11:00 PM) to give it up for awhile and so became this post...some late night rambling.

But then I got to thinking...

In general, I have some high expectations for myself, my life, and anything that I am responsible for. This has always been the case for me, and is often why people (and myself) call me a perfectionist. Although it has its goods being known as "one of those", it also has its hindrances. I tend to overstress myself to get it done right. This kind of thinking has struck in a new area of my life - blogging!

So, I got to thinking some more...

It would be one thing for blogging to be my little outlet where I could come and go as I please (which is what I had intended it to be), share what I want, and comment on other blogs here and there when I had the time. But because of my need for high expectations of myself I was turning this outlet into a "must have something to post every day or I'll die trying (or just stay up way too late doing it!)". And my need to comment on EVERY post I read was really getting out of hand (although, oddly enough, I actually love to do that). It's just not I'm sure you all know.

So, my conclusion is this...

My blog does not have to be a place of strict daily posting if I do not have the time for it to be. I should be able to share what I want when I want and have no agenda. I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of blogging. A journal of sorts. I do not have to spend hours reading through blogs and commenting all the time. I'll do it when I can and enjoy it when it happens.

To be perfectly honest, blogging was not the only thing that was sucking up my time. I am just learning that I need to get my priorities straight and so I am in the process of figuring out a daily schedule for myself. Some of you might laugh at this, but I thrive on having things planned out. I know I won't always be able to keep this schedule, so I'll remind myself to be flexible! This schedule will also help me figure out when I need to work on my "outside the home" commitments (MOPS & Stampin' Up!) and when I need to make time for play time with the kids. I'm in the process of figuring that all out, but when I have the schedule done, I'll be sharing it with you!!

Lastly, many of you shared some great tips and thoughts for me to be realistic about my blogging and I listened to every one of them!

I love the idea that Rhonda suggested about getting through my morning routine before I look at the computer. Usually the first thing I do is check my e-mail. But I've decided that I need to get dressed and ready for the day before that becomes at all a priority. She also suggested setting a timer if I do sit down to do something on the computer. Because you all know how you can get sucked in!

Tanya shared the idea about keeping the computer OFF until I get done what needs to be done. Sounds scary to me actually...turn the computer off?! Which probably means it needs to happen.

And thank you to my good friend Leanna for reminding me that we can't always be totally balanced all the time because life is sometimes just too crazy. Love you, friend!

Thanks for letting me "talk it through" with you! I would love to hear more tips on how you keep your daily schedule, especially those with younger kids who have not started school yet. What does your day look like? How do you get it all done and have fun doing it? Of course, I'd like to hear from everyone on how you juggle life...with little kids or not!

And I suppose that in all my rambling I could have put you to sleep, so for that, I apologize. It was definitely enough to knock this little guy out...

Hope you all have a happy Monday and thanks for listening!!


  1. Great thoughts on blogging! I know blogging can suck up time so fast. I usually blog at night while I watch my shows that I have taped. I give myself a short time in the morning to check my email and check a few blogs after I have gotten the older kids off to school and my youngest works on some pre-school workbooks.

    I agree with you about the point of blogging is to have fun and keep a journal of your feelings and life. It shouldn't be another stresser.

    Thanks for all of your kind comments Heidi! I hope you have a wonderful Monday!


  2. I've been having a lot of those same thoughts about blogging lately. I'm slowing down a bit. I really need to get back to focusing my time on my family:0)

  3. Really enjoyed this post. We sound a lot alike - I have very high expectations of myself, even when it comes to blogging. I have been working through the same issues and trust we will both find what works best for us. Have a great day and thanks for sharing!

  4. This is a great post and clearly many of us are in the same situation. I have found that the world continues to function if I miss a day or two or three and I still enjoy reading blogs that post only every few days - so that helped me to realize it was okay to skip days. I am a little relieved actually when I go to a blog and it isn't updated, it becomes one less thing to use my computer time on (yes, I set a timer too). You are doing great and I enjoy your blog.

  5. Thanks for mentioning my tips. I stuck to it today and even adding one thing in my morning routine I have been avoiding! Exercise. I've told myself now that if I do not exercise I do not get to be on the computer at all. A win win situation in my mind. As a matter of fact I unplug it at night. Which reminds me when I go in the office/laundary room to start my laundary...oh yeah....I've got to do my routine!

    Morning routine:
    `Quiet time...Bible/pray
    *Dress in workout clothes/shoes.
    *Dishes, unload/reload breakfast dishes
    *Laundary started...ongoing until 1:00. I do do laundary in between computer time.
    *Breakfast & take Cam to school.
    * Spend time w/ Caden

    If I complete all of the above...I can get on the computer. I did this because I was spending way too much time...It has helped!

  6. I agree with you. Blogging should be a fun hobby, posting and commenting as time permits. I came across the same dilemma myself. It becomes a burden when you feel obligated to post every day! Thanks for your thoughts. :)

  7. My husband always tells me, "You don't have to be a supermom all the time." Which is hard for me... being one of those OCD people. =)

    One of the tools my husband uses to help people at work is by taking a KOLBE test ( One thing I found out is that I need to write a "Do NOT List" everyday. Granted, I'm still one who needs to keep things in order, but I've let go a few things to help with my self-indueced stress levels. I often talk it through with my sister who helps me put into perspective what really does matter.

    That and the "Do Not List" still feeds my desire to be organized... so I can make the choice to let go of a few things a bit easier since I'm being organized about it.

    Hope that helps!

  8. I think I may do a post on Do Not List's... if I get around to it. =)

  9. Heidi,
    I'm so glad that you recorded your thought process so that we could all benefit from your "smarts."
    A daily schedule, hmmm, that's EXACTLY what I need. It's hard because my work schedule varies each week, balancing is an ever-changing goal!

  10. I am so thankful that you made the first post about blogging. I think you sure got a lot of people thinking.
    I am totally with you on being a perfectionist. I always say if you are going to do something you should do it 110%. So that is really hard for me because I seem to really loose track of my priorities. When I did the Love Dare book I really learned how I needed to refocus my life. I once had a preacher say there are 4 F's to a Fabulous life: Father, Family, Flock and Fun. Keep them in that order and life will be grand.
    Now on schedules we have two schedules, one when mom works and the other when I am home. Since I am off 4 straight days that really helps keep us on track. Since I am a planner we have a schedule for everything.
    Just always keep in mind you are like every mom in this world, trying to balance and enjoy your life.
    Hope you have a blessed day.

  11. Oh Heidi, I can so relate. I do not blog every day. For me there's just no way. I enjoy blogging and blog as often as I can. I am very guilty of spending too much time on the computer. I have to step away and stay away from my desktop/laptop or I get nothing accomplished during the day.

    I'm not a morning person so coffee and the computer give me time to wake up. I've been limiting my computer time during the day to very short time frames...if I don't, I get sucked in.

    It really is a balancing act.

  12. OK, so I stayed at home yesterday and thought "I would never be able to blog while Caleb is awake." For me, I like blogging in the evening when the kids are down, things are quiet and Rondell and I both need some me time. I also don't think you need to post daily if it's getting to be too much. I'd rather you have less posts than no posts because you got burned out.

  13. Heidi, so many thoughts on this issue! Blogging is so fun ( I love it also!) and then I get frustrated when I spend too much time on the computer. I can relate to your struggle and all your thoughts over the last few days! I would love to post more, comment more, but there just isn't time in my day! I have tried lots of different things-- wait to turn on computer, not post until I have done my Bible study, etc. I think as mothers and wives me have so much to much as we all love blogging, it becomes another thing we have to fit in! It is so great though, to connect, for me especially with other moms! I love to collect ideas! Thanks for sharing all your thoughts on this issue!

    And that gift you made for your neighbors is super cute! We have some new ones expecting a baby moving in also! I may have to steal your idea!


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