Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MOPS crafts showcase

I thought it might be fun to share some of the crafts we have done over the last few months at our monthly MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meetings. I get the pleasure of being the Creative Activities Leader and enjoy being able to come up with a monthly craft for 40 ladies. Sometimes it's a bit stressful having a tight budget and choosing a project that will fit all levels of creativity, but I really do enjoy it! As best I can, I try to find a project that will either go along with the theme for that month or for the holiday closest to our MOPS meeting.

February's Craft
Ribbon Decorated Tea Light Holders
Theme: Marriage/Communication
Holiday: Valentine's Day

March Craft
Shrinky Dink Water Bottle Tags
{thanks to this wonderful tutorial at WhiMSy Love}
Theme: Staying Healthy While We Parent

These tags can also be used for bags.
April Craft
Tin Can Pen/Pencil Holders
Theme: Living Green

For more fun craft ideas that I've used for MOPS, check out the following:

September - Decorative Mini Notebooks
October - Conversation Starter Containers
November - Cornucopia of Thanks
December - Snowman Gift Bag
January - Decorative Note Pad

We'll wrap up the year after next month's MOPS meeting and take a break for the summer. I already have so many different ideas I would love to use for next year's agenda, so I look forward to planning the next round of crafts.


  1. What cute ideas! I have MOPS this morning. This month's theme is Health and Wellness. I look forward to it every month!

  2. Great ideas!
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Those tags are so stinkin cute! I like that site and her tutorials, I made bookmarks by using one and I love them. I'll have to try these.
    Is MOPS only during the day. It sounds like fun.

  4. Those are all SUPER cute and they look like they were pretty easy to do too!! Thanks for the great ideas!! I love the pencil holder one!

  5. Those are all so cute! The ladies in your group must love that you're the creative activities director. All great projects they can use at home.

  6. Way cute ideas...thanks for sharing them all. I wish I would have been part of sounds so fun.

  7. Great ideas! I was CA last year in MOPS. This year I am co-coordinator. I'm looking forward to getting some ideas for the new theme.

    This post is great for sharing your ideas!

  8. Really cute ideas!! I love the little tags for water bottles and bags!

    Hope you're having a great week!

  9. Thank you for this post! Our church is starting up a MOPS program and I'm probably going to be the arts/crafts coordinator. This will be a huge help.

  10. Those tags do look great, I think I'm going to have to go out and make some for myself. Good idea and your examples are so cute!

  11. Something we have in common! I'm the Creative activities coorinator for my MOPs, too! Great ideas!


  12. I love the Shrinky-Dink Water Bottle label craft! I am going to have to copy that one from you. I lead crafts for MOPS in Woodinville, WA. Check out my blog at I signed up to follow your blog -- you have some great ideas!!

  13. These are some great Ideas! These may come in handy for your local group :)

    Nissa Brady*


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