Friday, April 17, 2009

really bad timing


Of all the times to get would happen today?

When I'm in the middle of preparing for my sweet little girl's 3-year old birthday party scheduled for tomorrow that I've been planning for what seems like forever?

And to top it off...that sweet little girl gets sick, too?

You know the "have a bucket ready" kind of sick.

Needless to say, the party is called off...
postponed until who knows when.

I'm not happy about it. Pretty sad, actually.

Really, really bad timing.


  1. So sad! I hope you both feel better soon!

  2. Aw! Sending happy wishes your way for all involved.

  3. I'm going through the sickness here at my house too! My three year old -- poor little thing he has been running a fever for 3 days. Crazy!

    Hope everyone gets to feeling better!

  4. Hi Sis,
    I know that you are very disappointed, but maybe everything will work out :) Wish I could be there to help you out.
    Love you lots!

  5. So sorry Heidi! Hudson had it Monday afternoon, and Kent early Wednesday morning. So far the rest of us are in the clear. Hugs to you and feel better soon! Mikayla will never remember that you had her party on a different day... try to remind yourself of that.

  6. My heart just sunk for you! That IS bad timing. Well, when it does happen at least you'll be ready.
    Feel better!

  7. Oh, I'm so sorry! I know my girls would be so bummed. I hope you both feel better soon.

  8. Hope you both feel better asap! I know your disappointed, she probably is too. This too shall pass! Take care!

  9. Oh! I'm so sorry! I hope you guys feel better really soon! That is so sad right before Mikayla's birthday!

  10. I am so very sorry and disappointed for you and Mikayla. I hope you BOTH feel better soon!

  11. Oh No...That is not good. Actress was sick for her first birthday party...slept through the whole thing. I will say a prayer for both of you.

  12. Oh No! Those two words seem to be the most popular but they're all I have. I hope you and M are feeling better soon!

  13. Bless your heart. I can feel your disappoint all the way in Missouri. I hope your sweet little girl feels better soon.

  14. Aunt Heidi and Cousin Mikayla, I want you to feel better soon! We were so excited to celebrate tomorrow! Feel better soon, love Riley and P (mom and dad too).

  15. Oh no! So sad. Hope you guys get better FAST, and that the other little cutie doesn't get it too. :(

    I had the flu yesterday, so I am definitely feeling your pain.

  16. So sorry. Are you still feeling poorly tonight? Hopefully you can reschedule when your sis can be here!

  17. Awww! I hope you both feel better really soon! It stinks to be sick and it is even worse on your birthday! We have had to cancel a party for my middle son before because my oldest was so sick they put him in the hospital. It's hard to reschedule parties too...I hope it all works out, I know you have been doing a ton of work for the party!!

  18. Maybe it's somethin' about turning 3. My daughter was sick for her 3rd birthday too!

    Here's me sending you many well wishes and hoping the party will be a hopping success--when it happens!

  19. Oh my that does stink, I am so sorry Heidi as I know you've been working so hard on everything. I hope you all feel better soon!

  20. What a bummer!! Life is so unfair sometimes. I hope you are both feeling better soon!

  21. Bless your heart! I know how you feel though...we had an ice storm and had no electricity when we were supposed to have Ruthie's party. Keep your head up and when you do get to have it I know it will be awesome and she will love it!

    Get Better!

  22. Get better soon! Lots of rest and a doting husband will do wonders. I will be praying for your families quick recovery and even more fun at the future birthday party. Keep your chin up!

  23. Oh Heidi! I'm so sorry - how disappointing! I hope you're both on the mend, by now.


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