Friday, April 3, 2009

a week of crafts

As part of my "new schedule" this week, I have implemented a time each day to do a fun craft with Mikayla. I made myself accept the terms that the craft could not 1) be something that would take up too much time (30 minutes is good) and 2) take supplies I wouldn't have in my craft cupboard. I'm trying to keep things simple, so that I will actually keep doing this as part of our daily routine.

Keeping to these "rules", I have been happy with the quick crafts that we have done each day. Usually we do our craft time in the morning, but if there is something happening in the morning, we switch it to the afternoon. I'm learning to be flexible with my new routine!

Day One - Easter Egg Suncatchers

Day Two - Toilet Paper Tube Bunny

Day Three - Handprint Flower

Day Four - Marble Painting

Mikayla is so excited to share her crafts with her daddy the minute he walks in the door! Austin is wanting to be involved a little more each time, so I've been giving him some fun tasks to do while we're crafting, like giving him tissue paper to just play with or some marbles and a couple of cups. This stuff usually keeps him entertained while mommy and daughter are crafting!

For more kid friendly ideas, head on over to I Blame My Mother for Kid Friendly Friday!


  1. I think it's awesome you are setting aside time to do crafts each day. What cute things you two have made this week! She looks very proud of her work! :-)

  2. Mikayla,
    You did a great job on your crafts this week. What fun!

  3. those are great rules. I have SO MUCH craft stuff and need to use it up. THanks for linking! Enjoy your weekend~

  4. great ideas! I need to look through our supplies and see what we can come up with!

    I have been saving toilet paper tubes!

  5. Cute crafts! We're trying to do something every day as well...

  6. Cool crafts. I need to think of some crafts for Jamison to do while she's on break. She loves craft stuff.

  7. That is so awesome you are taking the time and sharing your love for crafting with your daughter! I know she is enjoying that special time together. What a great Mom!

  8. Isn't crafting time the best? I think it's wonderful to pass along a love of art time to your little one. Can't wait until she begins stamping and scrapbooking with you!

  9. What great ideas! I love the finger flower project! and I also love the button projects you did! and your card projects are gorgeous! Well done! I think you get craftier and craftier every time I come over here for a visit!

  10. I'm sending my kids to YOUR house, ok?


  11. You are so CRAFTY, I love it! What a fun way to spend some quality time with Mikayla! Hope you are doing well.


  12. I find this so funny... My name is Heidi too and one of my girls name is Makayla. Just thought I would share that!

  13. You are such a great Mom! I need to do that with Jibbity more! She loves crafting with me!

    Have a great Friday night!


  14. That's wonderful that you've made a commitment to do this on a daily basis. Great ideas too! I need to be better about using supplies I already have.

  15. I think we will try the handprint flower this week!

  16. Congratulations!

    Seriously a craft a day? When I read that I was like no way, but you've done it. It's Moms like you that make Moms like me look like total slackers!

    What wonderful memories you're creating with your children!

  17. Wow! This is a bonus Kid Friendly Friday. Some great craft ideas - I love the handprint flowers!


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