Wednesday, June 3, 2009

bad idea?

Fudgsicles on a hot day...sounds like fun!

And then things went horribly wrong...

At least I was smart enough to take
off his shirt before the mess got too bad.

Note to self: Never again.

For more Wordless Wednesday, visit 5 Minutes for Mom.


Today is the last day to enter my giveaway!

I've postponed this month's craft challenge (monograms) until next Thursday, June 11th, but come back tomorrow for a little tutorial on how to make these...

Some of you have been asking,
so of course I'm (finally) coming through for you!


  1. Mmmm. Fudgsicles! So did he get upset because it was all gone or because he got messy?!?

  2. Good plan preparing for the clean up ahead of time. :)

  3. Oh, they look yummy! Cute photos!

  4. Ooh, ooh, I'm looking forward to that tutorial. I can't wait. Cute looks like Austin is mad because it's all gone!

  5. Cute pictures-hope he got over it quickly.

    Can't wait for the tutorial-I've wanted to know how to make those-they are so cute!!

    Thanks for postponing the challenge-I'm behind as usual! Mine is for a birthday party on Saturday so it'll be done for next week but probably not by tomorrow :)

  6. Great pictures - my kids have gone through the same fits when the melting and falling off of the stick starts. I am famous for saying over and over "you have to bite it or it will melt everywhere!"

  7. Awww...what made him so upset? Boys like to be messy...right! Maybe not sticky though. Poor guy!
    Still stinkin cute! (Both of them)

    I am so excited!! A tutorial! Your the best! I so need to get busy on Cameron's party for July. I would love to make these!!!

  8. Awwww... Poor little guy. He looks so sad... I bet he was not amused that you were taking pics! My kids feel the same way... I will plead with them to wait until Mommy gets her camera... :)

  9. Great captures, and the mess is all part of the fun!

  10. Haha! Too funny!
    We always save the popsicles for a bathtime treat or while we are playing in the sprinkler. I learned my lesson the hard way.

  11. Love the popsicle pictures. Your kids are to cute!
    We have the cheap push up popsicles that you can buy by the hundreds. We leave the messy popsicles for the grandparents. Don't you know they love me!
    Have a wonderful day!

  12. Great photos! Mmm, fudgesicles sound yummy!

  13. I so did the same thing, only with homemade pudding: had NO idea how gummy that would get when melted. On light t-shirts. Sigh. Lessons learned, eh? :) :)

  14. Very cute! I think it is adorable the progression of Austin! Have a good day!

    I was so excited to post my monogram and now I have to wait a week!! Oh well.

  15. Melody reacted the same way to the mess her first fudgesicle made until I showed her how to lick off the chocolate! lol

  16. Oh I can't wait for the tute! I've been promising one too, maybe I'll be motivated looking forward to yours to finish mine...but probably not:)

    You know I thought it was going to be about Mikayla dropping chocolate all over that cute white shirt, I see Austin is your messy one:) But so cute, even when he's crying!

  17. Cute pictures Heidi! You were smart to have them OUTSIDE. I wish I had a fudgsicle right now! Sounds scrumptious!


  18. those photos are exactly why Popsicles are supposed to be eaten outside!!

    great blogs heidi! xoxo

  19. Precious pictures! He was lovin' that fudge stick wasn't he? Was he upset that it was all gone?

    Smart Mama to take his shirt off!!

  20. Your post had me LOL. First, all of the adorable pictures and then suddenly a breakdown. Too funny. Thank goodness you spared his clothes. Chocolate is one of the worst stains.

  21. those pics were way too cute. Love the mess!

  22. haha The ice cream pictures are hilarious! It just reminds me of my kids. That's why I give them their popsicles in the bathtub! It may be weird, but it works for me~!


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