Tuesday, June 9, 2009

well, it's about time!

Lately, I've been noticing that Austin has been needing a hair cut...very badly! However, I've been putting it off because he just does not do well with getting his hair cut. The last time we went he screamed and fussed the whole 30 minutes we were there! It was torture! I have been putting it off for awhile now to avoid this experience again. But, today when we went to the park and I took some pictures of the kids playing, I really saw just how out of hand his hair was getting.

(look at all that hair...does he even have ears?)

So, I bit the bullet, called for an appointment and we headed to Little Clippers with a plan ready to be put into action. And, it was a success!!

(playing in the car...his new favorite thing to do!)
Isn't he stinkin' adorable!?
I love my blue-eyed clean cut boy!

Check out 5 Minutes for Mom for Tackle it Tuesday...
this was definitely a tackle!


  1. Oh my!!! What a handsome little boy you have!!! Good job mom:)

  2. He looks so grown up!
    Miss you Austin Boy!
    Papa and Grammy

  3. Great tackle - he looks so much older now!

    Check out my tackle.

  4. What a handsome little guy you have and what beautiful blue eyes he has!!! Great picture!

  5. How that is so hard to do.I hated cutting Trey's hair. But Austin looks like an even cuter boy.
    Have a great Tuesday!

  6. So cute! The baby really needs a haircut but I don't want to do it because then he'll look like a big boy. I'm going to have to bite the bullet too though-it's in his eyes all the time and won't stay to the side. I'm not ready for the first haircut!!!

  7. He is precious! Blessings to you.

  8. Very cute!!

    My hubby took our son on Sunday to get a haircut- he came home with a summer buzz and I gasped out loud- it made such a difference!!

    You have a cute boy there!!


  9. Oh! He is SUPER cute! I love the new haircut!

  10. He looks like such a big boy now!! That's always my hesitation with haircuts-they go in looking like toddlers and come out looking like big boys-heartbreaking!! He's SOOOO handsome!!

  11. oh my goodness, he is so handsome! And that haircut shows off those baby blues so well!

  12. Wow, all in one day. He was super cute yesterday at the park, but I absolutely LOVE his new hair cut! Nice work.

  13. You are so lucky to have a kiddo who needs a haircut! Mine has started to pull hers out again on the sides and now has a big ol' bald spot. I could just scream.

  14. My oldest used to fight the haircuts so I know getting that done was a tackle! Isn't it amazing how when little boys get their haircut it instantly makes them look about a year or two older?!!

  15. The picture is adorable, but too cute in person!!

  16. Pretty cute! He looks different. Sitting here with Jilian in my lap trying to post on my blog (she has an ear infection :( ) so I thought I would show her your blog and sure enough, she cheered right up! :-) So, a "heidi, hi" from Jilian.

  17. Too Cute! Looks like a changed little man :) And yes I love our blue eyed kiddos!

  18. Love the short cut!!! It looks great!
    I need to cut my little guys hair AGAIN...it seems like I just did it.


  19. Hey,
    I'm glad it was better for the both of you this time! He is a doll! I have to say I liked his hair longer too! Both are adorable!

  20. Love the new do. He looks so much older.


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