Thursday, July 16, 2009

put a smile on your face

We've been having a few *new* issues lately with Mikayla throwing some major fits out in public. I haven't yet had to deal with this much with her, so it has taken me a bit by surprise, and I have found the need to evaluate the best way to "handle the situation". I must admit that I'm not too good with this sort of thing (if you know me, you know I'm a stress case!). My quick fix is to just stay home and never go anywhere. Obviously, that would mean admitting defeat, and I'm not willing to go there.

So many emotions arise out of this struggle between mommy and daughter (and many days, mommy and son). But, I know that every day there will always be something that will challenge me as a mom. How else would I grow? So, in dealing with those "no good, horrible, very bad days" I will not give up and admit defeat, but instead I will put a smile on my face, and figure out how we can help each other learn from the experience. Because truly Mikayla is really good with talking with me about the reasons she acted the way she did and how we can fix it for next time. Sweet and sour, I tell ya!

Now, I know this might sound all sugar-coated, but for me to work through this, I have to remind myself that this sweet baby girl will not be little forever. If I'm "wishing away" these toddler years, I will surely want them back when she is older. So, for now I'm holding onto each day, even those that are filled with tears.

When I hear that "3 is now the new 2", I have no other choice, but to embrace it.

And how can you really stay mad at a 3-year old who leaves this on the dining room table?

Or that makes her own little smiley-face pizza...

And when giving her good night hugs and kisses after a long and trying day, says to me... "Mommy, you're my best friend."

No, I will never wish these days away...


  1. What a precious picture of the two of you! She's already showing lots of "crafting" talent! :)

  2. It is so hard to stay mad at them. Love her smilies!

  3. 3 was def. more challenging than 2 for us. But, you're right, it WILL get better!

  4. It is hard to remember how sweet they can be in the middle of a major meltdown....but you seem to be doing a great job! I love the smiley face fruit loops!

  5. I have frequently wondered how I can be so amoured and frustrated by my children at the same time! Good luck dealing with the long as your consistent they won't last forever!

  6. I love your thoughts on this. Way to embrace it. Maybe I will try to embrace it with you since we are struggling with 3 year olds together!!

  7. Yes, the 3's were more difficult here! This too shall pass! Hang in there! Your a terrific mom!

    Just look at the smiles!

  8. I found with all of mine (so far) that 3 really is worse than 2. Patience and the ability to ignore tantrums come in really handy! Praise, praise, praise the good behavior and let everything else go (with the exception of anything dangerous, or really unacceptable behavior like hitting, of course!) It's WAY easier said than done but it really will pass.

  9. Oh...public meltdowns are the worst. We just had a terrible one at the pediatrician's office-sooooo embaressing! Thanks for the reminder to cherish these days, even on the touch ones.

  10. It was just yesterday I was telling the girls that Maya seems to be doing a lot better these days but today I had a no-good-very-bad-day with her attitude. It comes and goes. She's an emotional girl with a lot of DRAMA in her little life ;) Here's praying this is just a STAGE too:)

    PS. Maya was supposed to be sleeping but she just got up while I was writing this comment to say "I want to go to Mikayla's house!" I guess I mentioned our water-fun day a little too early:)

  11. I totally understand what you are talking about. Trey use to be a big fit thrower. Well, he still can throw one every now and then and he is four. When this first started I read a book 1,2,3 Magic. It was wonderful. Brings up some really great points and I will say that it truly works with discpline issues. We still use alot of the tricks now.
    I also agree you aren't sugar coating, we always have to remember it won't be like this for long!

  12. Yes, the tantrums are hard...but they dont' last long & the other stuff mixed in with them makes it all tolerable. What a sweet post I love all the pictures. wow do you two look alike.:) Beautiful

  13. This too will pass! The patience we have to have as mothers :) Somtimes they really like to push our buttons and like you said we have to embrace the special moments!!

  14. They are very worth it! All the hard days (which are many) go away with one little smile or hug!

    I love being a mom!

  15. It really is the strangest, job, this parenting thing -- the highest highs and the lowest lows all within the same couple hours! Every day I am amazed by how terrible my kids can be and how wonderful they can be! My mantra is "Deal with the bad and focus on the good."

  16. Hey Heidi...haven't seen you around lately! Hope all is okay!!

  17. I'll take 2 over 3 anyday, thankyouverymuch. None of my kids were rotten at 2 but at 3? Forget it. If ever I was gonna sellt hem to the gypsies, it'd be when they're 3.

    Of course, then I'd miss all the hugs and loves that come afterwards so I guess I'll just keep em all.


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