Wednesday, July 1, 2009

to match or not to match...

...that is the question!

Mikayla has really been wanting to dress herself these days and pick out her own outfits. Oh my, has that taken some patience. We usually compromise and I give her 2 choices in shirts and 2 choices in bottoms (or if it's a dress day, 2 choices with those, too). You know the drill.

Some days she just gives it her best shot...

On this particular day, I picked out the shirt and she wanted to pick out the bottoms.

Outfit #1 - Those leggings really only work under dresses or skirts. Plus, it cracks me up that they're all twisted sideways, but she still really wanted to wear them! And, do you notice the socks!? And the shoes are on the wrong feet? No, seriously click on the picture to enlarge it. Then you'll get the full affect!

Outfit #2 - Not quite the look I was going for with a striped skirt and flowered shirt. It's getting closer...

After some convincing we went with a pair of jean shorts, but I didn't get a picture as I just really wanted to get out the door!

She refuses to wear jeans...even when it's a bit chilly outside. In fact, most days if we're home she would prefer to run around in her panties. Tonight after coming in from playing outside, the first thing she did was take off her shirt and shorts...and started playing with her toys. Interesting. She definitely does NOT get this from her mother!

How about you? Do your kiddos love to dress themselves and do you just let them go with it?


  1. She's cute. The socks made me laugh. If Jamison dressed herself daily, it would be in a skirt and tights. Other than that she doesn't have an interest.

  2. My daughter is the same way! If we are going out then I pick her outfit and if it is a stay at home day then she can wear whatever she wants.

  3. It must be a girl thing because my boys don't care what they wear! I sit out their clothes at night, and they just put on whatever I leave for them!

  4. If we are lounging around the house, I let Maya wear whatever she wants...which is usually a bathing suit. Sometimes she picks out a nice outfit to go out but I usually make the final decision. Love the first look;)

  5. She is learning early about fashion :) Love the looks!

  6. Today Maddie is wearing a boys Star Wars shirt (she just HAD to have it) and pink leggings with crocs. It horribly clashes but it really isn't worth a fight. Some days she will only wear her princess dress and one day generally turns into a week of wearing it. Your daughter is adorable and I think its great that they have their own fashion sense about what 'belongs' together!

  7. So cute!

    Samuel is pretty good with dressing himself now (although today he does have on a bright green shirt with red, white, and blue plaid shorts!), but usually I have days where he can pick out his own clothes and days (church or someplace where people we know will see him!) where I pick out his clothes.

    Here's a thought for you though - have her pick her piece of the outfit FIRST, and then you can complete it with something that matches. :-)

  8. She is adorable! My 4 year old wants to pick out all of her own outfits now. She comes up with the craziest things. And I let her wear it! So funny!


  9. SO cute!!

    Luckily, Saylor is not to that point yet. But because we're potty training right now, she wants to be in the nude. The 1st couple days we didn't have panties, so I had her go naked. Today, we bought some panties. Princess panties. We put them on. Two minutes later, she was naked again.

    Maddie, on the other hand, comes up with some 'interesting' outfits. She's 7.

  10. Luckily Trey lets me still pick out his clothes, however when Donnie is home he let's Trey pick out his own clothes. Let's just say Mikayla and Trey have the same matching abilities. It must be a toddler thing as Trey also can't put his shoes on the right feet. These are probably the moments we will cherish one day, you know when we get patience.
    Have a great Wednesday!

  11. I don't have this issue at my house, yet. Kelly is only 3 and isn't too fussy about picking out her clothes. One tip I did read about somewhere was you could make a special badge or whatever for them to wear...announcing/bragging that they dressed themselves.

    It won't last too long. Those days of them not caring how they look...will make for good stories and pictures later :)

    xoxo ~Lisa

  12. Jack is all about dressing himself! Fortunately, he can match colors OK, but he still comes up with weird combinations. If we're going out somewhere, I usually give him a choice. If he's going to school, I just let him wear whatever because chances are he'll get paint on it anyways! Thankfully Melody is still easy to fool...she'll wear what I want her too...I hope that last too! ;) Love the pictures.

  13. My two go from everything must be the same color (including underwear and socks) to clashing. There's no happy medium. I have found though that if I let her pick the shirt, I can usually pick the pants/shorts/skirt to match, or give her two to choose from. I explain why I picked what I picked, so she learns what to look for.

  14. Let her go for it! Everyone knows what's going on when they see little kids in outfits like that:) I love it when I see little girls at the store with their dress up outfits on!!!

  15. Hey, I finished the story! Oops! Anyway I then tagged you for the game. Also I did not see a Wednesday am post. Everything ok?

  16. It really is a girl thing. Both my older girls did the same thing. I picked my battles carefully and usually could get them to dress 'normal' when we were going out, but I let them wear pretty much whatever they wanted at home!


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