Friday, August 14, 2009

happy campers!

Last Thursday we arrived home from camping only to have a whirlwind of a weekend and leave again on Tuesday of this week to go visit my sister and her family for three days. We just got back last night and let's just say it's good to know we'll soon be back to a little bit of a normal routine. I think I realized how much I thrive off a routine and when it gets a little out of whack, I'm not quite sure how to handle it all. It's something I'll keep working on (being spontaneous and having a "go with the flow" kind of attitude), but it's definitely something I'll by no means ever master!

In an effort to get caught up, here are some pictures from the camping trip the four of us took last week. It was a fun, frustrating, funny, and full of firsts kind of camping experience! The best part about the trip was seeing the excitement in everything that Mikayla and Austin experienced. I would do it again in a heartbeat just to see that!


~ S'MORES! ~


There were moments I realized that TENT camping with a 2-year old who has moments of resistance (to put it nicely) and a 3-year old with a little sass may not have been the greatest idea, but we did survive. Not only did we survive, but we also realized that our mini van is pretty soundproof in a pinch.

I'm not sure but I think when I looked in our rear view mirror as we were driving away to head back home, I saw our camping neighbors doing a little happy dance.

Yea, I'm pretty sure they were.


  1. It looks like lots of fun! Wish I could have been there too. Mikayla sure likes the water. Maybe Austin is getting a little braver with playing in the sand. It will probably get easier camping as they get older.
    Love you!

  2. What a fun trip. In every picture there was a smile. May have been some difficult times, but the kids looked like they loved it! Way to go mommmy!

  3. What fun! We have been wanting to take our two camping, but have been worried about how they would do. You have inspired me. Of course now I need to get the hubby inspired!

  4. Kudos to you for not only surviving but having a good time camping with two little ones! Sounds like y'all have been having a blast this summer!!

  5. Great pics-I love the collages. It looks like y'all had lots of wonderful family time! And don't worry, the longer you have kids the easier it gets to fly by the seat of your pants-simply because you have to!

  6. Oh, I love camping! So relaxing to me...well most of the time! LOve all the pics! I blew them up to get a better look! Adorable!!!

    Haven't seen you around much...hope things are well

  7. You are too funny. They did not do a happy dance. LOL
    Loved all the collages. So glad you all had a great time!
    Welcome back!

  8. Great pictures! I looks like you had a great time camping!

  9. Way to go, you tackled a camping trip!!! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun...and you'll never see your camping neighbors again so you are in the clear! We still need to plan a trip this Summer, you HAVE to crate memories like that with your kids. I am proud of you guys for surviving!


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