Wednesday, November 18, 2009

creative & unique baby gift

Many of my friends are having their 2nd or 3rd (or 4th!!) child. (Hello, baby fever!!) Sometimes it's tricky for me to come up with a unique gift for those who might already have all of the clothes or baby accessories they need. Diapers are always a necessity, but let's face it sometimes it's a lot more fun to give something that is a little more creative than that! And I love giving gifts so the wheels are always turning! Creative gift giving has always been a passion of mine.

A few weeks ago, I attended a baby shower for a friend of mine who had just had her first baby girl, but second child. The invitation said that she had already been blessed with lots and lots of girly baby clothes, so I knew my fun shopping trip for the perfect baby girl outfit was out! So, instead of going towards the practical side in the form of a gift card or diapers (which, don't get me wrong, are ALWAYS great to receive!), I decided to use my creativity and created an 8x10 picture art of her new baby girl that could be used as wall decor for her nursery. I swiped some of the pictures off her blog and thankfully she had also posted some pictures of the nursery, so I knew there were going to be butterflies. And, lucky me, she even included the meaning of her baby girl's name that I decided to include.

Here is the finished piece...

For those of you who don't know, I dabble a little bit in creating photo cards in my "spare time". Since starting my Stampin' Up! business, I haven't done as much with this as in the past, but I still create when I can or when others want me to. In fact, for a very good friend of mine who just had her third, I will be making her new little guy's birth announcements as my gift to her. And, soon, I hope to design our family's Christmas card.

It's always fun to give a gift that comes straight from the creativity of your mind. I figure if I've been given a talent, then I should use it to bless others and not just keep it for myself! This works for me!!

For more Works for Me Wednesday, visit We Are That Family.


Don't forget...tomorrow is the LAST day to link up your photo project to this month's craft challenge. Now, that I think about it, this post actually fits the challenge! A new challenge will be posted on Friday, so come on back!


  1. This is such a sweet gift and I love how you added the meaning of her name. Very thoughtful.

  2. Great gift idea. Love it!

    (BTW, I love Stampin' Up!)

  3. That is so nice. Love it. It is nice to do something different from the normal clothes and diapers every now and then. Might have to steal, I mean borrow this idea.;)

  4. That is a great idea! I totally struggle with what to get for the 2nd child onward. I usually am the one doing the generic diaper gift!

  5. Your gift turned out SUPER cute! What program do you use to do stuff like that and your cards? I am thinking about making our Christmas cards this year using Photoshop Elements. I don't really know what I am doing though, I just like to play around with it.

  6. Oh, that's beautiful!! What a great idea.

  7. What a sweet friend you are. I love this gift.

  8. I love that gift and know your friend will too! It's beautiful. I'm so behind on the how to on things like that. Is that photoshop? How did you get the name on there? I love it!

  9. So cute, what a gorgeous addition to a baby room!

  10. Such a beatufiul gift! And yes, you are talented. Very talented!

  11. That is gorgeous! What a great idea for a gift. I bet they love it.

  12. Beautiful and I am sure will be lovingly treasured by your friend.

  13. Great job! That is so beautiful,they will be very happy to receive it:)

  14. great idea Heidi. I love that white beaded frame too.

  15. It is so nice that you investigated what her theme would be, so that it would match. And its so girly, that she could have this diplayed for years, with out feeling like its been out grown like many "baby" things.

  16. This is beautiful. I completely agree with the sentiment at the bottom... that we should use the skills God gives us to bless others. I like to make baby baskets.. for second and third babies, I like to give a storage tub with a collection of things like... baby soap, lotion, gas drops, Tylenol etc. these are things that people always need.

  17. Great job Heidi! Love that gift idea.

  18. Heidi, that is beautiful! I think I want to try something like that for my little ones! Beautiful! Hope everyone will be better soon!

  19. What a beautiful, PERFECT gift!

    I can't believe I missed out on the challenge...I have been such a visiting slacker lately!


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