Friday, December 18, 2009

more Christmas fun - join in!

Yikes! Can you believe we only have 1 week until Christmas?!

I must admit we've been having a blast with our 25 Days of Christmas activities and it has truly helped us enjoy the holiday season just a little bit more. However, there still seems like there's so much to do, but a lot can happen in 7 days, right?

As part of Liz's Countdown to Christmas,
I'm sharing this week's activities...
{click on each collage to view larger}

On Monday (Day 14), our activity was all about trees! We made paper stand up trees and the kids got to use my circle punches again to punch out patterned papers. We even punched out some stars to add a little bit extra. This wasn't anything too complicated and it actually didn't last long, but they had fun nonetheless.
After dinner, the kids got to decorate sugar cones with green frosting and sprinkles. The perfect edible Christmas tree!

On Tuesday (Day 15) we spent the evening with some dear friends of ours, the Newton family. We enjoyed spaghetti & meatballs for dinner and the kids had ice cream sundaes for dessert! The kids exchanged books...a tradition we started last year. Earlier in the day, Mikayla and Austin helped wrap Ellie & Claire's books...boy did they have fun with the tape!
On Wednesday morning (Day 16), we headed over to my friend Sarah's house for a little play date with the kids (and the moms). We thought it would be fun if they did a little craft, so the kids made reindeer by painting their hands and feet, which they loved! It was a pretty simple activity, but we had fun.

Yesterday (Day 17), after dinner the kids decorated some coffee cups with stickers and then we made some "hot-cold cocoa" that the kids could take with them in the car while we drove around to look at lights. We didn't go anywhere too spectacular...just drove around the neighborhoods in our town. At this age, the kids are excited over any kind of lights!
That's us! How about you?
Hope you're soaking in all of the fun of the season!

Ryan has all of next week off, so we're looking forward to that. My sister and family are in town starting today, so I'm sure we'll be spending lots of time at my mom and dad's. Christmas card to be sent, presents to be wrapped, more gifts to make...and the list goes on. But most of all lots of fun to be had!


  1. cute ideas! how do you make the hot-cold cocoa?

  2. I love the idea of decorating the hot coco cups. We drink a lot of it during the holidays and I think my kids would love that. Cute ideas.

  3. Looks like a lot of fun! I love the reindeer with the feet and hands! Very cute idea!

  4. What a fun week! Jeremy has all of next week off too, and we are so excited to have him home with us! I think we will go looking at lights on Monday. There aren't many out here, but there is one house that goes ALL OUT. It's like a village of lights. They have cocoa and cookies and a choir that sings. The girls will love it!

    Thanks so much for participating, Heidi. I always love your ideas.

  5. I love the activities you do with your kids! They are so cute :) And it is so great to start traditions when they are little.

  6. You always have the cutest ideas! I love the ice cream cone tree! Grant always ask for Cold Chocolate instead of Hot Chocolate...and I tell that Cold Chocolate is just chocolate milk! How did you make hot-cold cocoa?

  7. What fun activities you have done. I have also enjoyed seeing all the different things you have done in 25 days. I bet your kids will not forget this. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Heidi - what kind of photo software do you use for the collages? It's such a nice idea.

  9. We're doing the hot cocoa and lights tonight. I'm waiting for that to post our week. Looks like y'all had a great time this week!

  10. You look like you are having a blast. How nice that your husband will be off next week...enjoy!

  11. That all looks like so much fun! What great memories you are making!

  12. You are doing so many amazing things with your kids! They are very blessed to have you. I LOVE the trees!


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