Tuesday, February 8, 2011

hair stuff organized

My daughter has been blessed with long, beautiful hair...

{Christmas 2010}

Most times it is a blessing, I should say. With that long hair comes many days when there are lots of tears (from both of us!) in the battle of wills to decide who gets to brush her hair. Often times we're scrambling to go somewhere and I just want to grab something to keep her hair out of her face, so I dig through the hair ties, bows, ribbons, headbands, etc. to only leave a mess that looks like this on the bathroom counter...

Here is what it looks like in the drawer every day...just a jumbled up mess that started out as "somewhat organized". (The hair bands were supposed to be in the green container and the ribbons, bows, and headbands in the purple container. Yeah. That system obviously failed.)


I decided I just couldn't handle it anymore, so I found the perfect solution!

This is originally intended to be a craft organizer, but the possibilities are endless with little containers such as these. I bought them in a 2-pack from Michaels when they were 40% off. They fit the small hair things just perfectly.

I took the head bands, bows, and ribbons and put them in another basket on a shelf that was actually empty.

And, now look at this drawer!


This "tackle" took me all of 10 minutes to complete...now why hadn't I done this sooner? I will never know. Go find a 10-minute tackle and whip a drawer into shape. You'll be thankful that you did!


  1. I do the same thing! I have a container just like that with all of Jamison's items and it works out so well. That drawer looks so beautiful now!

  2. Looks great! Much easier to find things when needed.

  3. Mikalya does have beautiful hair! Good idea with the organizer, look like it will be easier to find things. ;)

  4. I did this last week for all the hair accessories. Look at thrift stores for the craft organizers too. I found a bag of 6 smaller ones for a crazy $4.

  5. We need to do that AGAIN! We had all the hair thingies nicely organized but you know how it goes! SO fun to see some of the hair accessories. :-)

  6. Great Job. You sure are doing great on all the organizing. I can only imagine the hair stuff we will start collecting. Lila just has a little hair now and we already have way to many accessories.

  7. I saw this when you posted it but did not get the chance to tell you nice job. I am sure it helps make the hair project each morning easier!

  8. And I thought WE had a lof of hair stuff!

  9. Ohhhh how I can relate to the mess that is hair accessories! With three girlies here, there are always hair ties, clips, bows, and such spilling out everywhere. I love your idea!


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