Sunday, July 31, 2011

yes...another birthday!

As you have read lately on my blog, July is FULL of birthdays. I wasn't you'll see even more birthdays coming up on my blog!

Ryan turned 31 on July 22nd (he's such a young buck!). The day was a fun one (I hope for him!), but not one with many pictures.

The day started out with me making a smoothie for him to enjoy on his way to work! We have the yummiest frozen strawberries (picked by none other than Daddy!), so this summer we have been enjoying lots and lot of smoothies. It's one of Ryan's favorite treats and has become the kids' favorite, too!

Later in the afternoon, the kids and I took some ice cream treats to his work so he could share with his co-workers. It was pretty cute watching Mikayla pass out the Klondike bars to everyone and telling them it was her daddy's birthday. The kids also made a sign and card for him and LOVED being at his work!

For dinner it was Ryan's choice and Olive Garden was his pick! Thank goodness for gift cards...the dinner was technically free. Afterwords we headed home and just hung out outside while the kids played on their bikes.

Ryan already bought his own big gift "from me", but I wanted to be able to give him something he could "open" from the kids, so we got him a bucket full of goodies...socks, a Starbucks gift card, Sour Patch kids, and beef jerky. Such a manly gift!!

Happy Birthday to an amazing daddy and husband!
How were we lucky enough to hit the jackpot?!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your hubs! Jeremy's 31st is coming up this week ;) And that gift looks EXACTLY like something we'd get him. Down to the Starbucks gift card and sour patch kids. Two peas in a pod, those two!


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