Friday, August 12, 2011

the Newport Aquarium

On our trip home from the southern Oregon Coast a couple of weekends ago we stopped by the Newport Aquarium. Our original plan was to stop by on the way down to visit our friends the Moore's, but we ended up wanting to get to North Bend sooner on Friday night so we could go to the county fair. Not sure if stopping by on the way home was the best move or not because we were all exhausted from a weekend full of fun (and a little cranky from being in the car for 2 1/2 hours already!) The first 30 minutes were a little tough with some whiny-ness (not from me...promise!), but {the kids} were able to turn it around and we enjoyed the last part of our visit. We decided that we really didn't need to stay long and were thankful that we had gotten tickets to the aquarium for really cheap! All in all, it was a nice way to break up our long drive home.

Austin loved the octopus!

The Touch Pool
Yes, they look all lovey-dovey in this picture, but it took me at least 5 shots to get smiling faces instead of grumpy ones. This was right before our little pep talk to change the attitudes.
We took a break for some play time and snacks.
I just love this picture of them skipping down the pathway...
so happy!
Sea lions
We finished our journey in the deep sea area where we were encased in a "tube" with water all around us...
...including sharks!
I love these silly kids!

What a great way to end a fun weekend!


  1. Looks like lots of fun! I am glad the attitudes turned around and you could all enjoy yourselves.

  2. I love aquariums so much fun and filled with opportunities for learning! The pics of the kids are great.

    Jen from
    Creative and Curious Kids!


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