Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Countdown 2011 - Day 7

Day 7 - Blessing Others

This year we really wanted to instill in the kids that Christmas is not always about GETTING presents, but most importantly that it's about GIVING! We have always talked about this, but as each year goes by we make it more of an emphasis as the kids get older and understand it more. I look forward to the many opportunities we have to show the kids how much of a blessing it is for us to be able to give with a cheerful heart. Mikayla, especially, has really been able to understand this concept more and more and I can see her heart to give growing, which makes me such a proud mommy!

This year, we picked an angel off the "Angel Tree" at church.

{let's go shopping!}

On our way into the store, Grammy gave the kids money to put in the Salvation Army bucket. Now each time we pass by one, Mikayla asks to put money in. What a sweetheart!

Mikayla picked an art activity case for the Angel Tree gift.

We also purchased art supplies for one of the children in the family that her Kindergarten class "adopted" at school through the Helping Hands program.

I must admit that Austin still needs a little more work in the concept of "giving to others" since pretty much the whole time he was pouting because he wanted to buy something for himself. Oh, the joys of learning it's not all about "me"!

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In mid-November, we also had the opportunity to fill two shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. This is something we have tried to do each year and this year we bought enough to fill two shoe boxes for two girls. It filled my heart with joy watching her be so excited about giving to others who have so little...or nothing at all!

My next mission is to create a system where the kids will start saving their money and have jars for giving, saving, and living. It's never too early to teach them ways to spend the little money they earn.

1 comment:

  1. Dave Ramsey has a kids kit. You can call us about more info on it. We are going to start it with Jacob soon. It is all about saving, giving, and living the right way with money!


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