Mikayla decided she wanted to participate this year in her school talent show. After going back and forth on what she was going to do that didn't require too much work and/or coordination with others, we decided it would be fun if she performed the dance routine she is learning from her dance class. With just a couple of extra weeks of practice, a quick dig through her dance costume drawer, and some cute ringlets for her hair...she was set to go!! I was so proud of my sweet girl and her confidence to meet this opportunity head on and enjoy the limelight for 1 minute and 28 seconds. :)
{Daddy was able to come watch!}
{Grammy came, too!}
{Mikayla and some of her 1st grade buddies who were also in the talent show.}
{Our little performer}
At the end of the "red carpet" each of the performers stopped to pose. What a cutie!
So proud of this girl!
{Reach for the Stars}
{K-3rd Grade Performers}
It was so much fun seeing her participate in the talent show...she didn't look nervous at all and did a great job!