Tuesday, September 30, 2008

dirty faces

Today's Works for Me Wednesday over at Rocks in My Dryer is the kitchen edition. It took me quite awhile to think about exactly what I wanted to share. I then realized that I think my kitchen could be a lot more functional and organized (surprising, I know!) I've had fun already looking through some of the tips and tricks others have shared and will be sure to add to my getting-longer-everyday list of things to do around here!

So, to join in, I thought I would share a simple, but useful tip I use in my kitchen with my grubby little babies after meal times. I got this idea from a friend of mine (thanks, Tash!) and considered it pure genius, but yet so simple! I keep a stack of baby washcloths in my kitchen towel and washcloth drawer. Most of these are just the cheapy kinds of washcloths or ones that need to be retired from bath tub time. I grab one of these after meal time to wipe down hands and faces of the little ones without wasting gobs of paper towels and avoiding the use of a dirty dishrag (ew!). I usually rinse it out, hang it up, and reuse it again for another meal that same day. At the end of the day, I throw it in the wash and start over with a fresh one in the morning!

This works for me (and my kiddos). What works for you in the kitchen? Check out more ideas here.


  1. Great idea! I used all the extra cloth diapers (only used for spit up!, lol) once they started eating solids. Blessings, Whitney

  2. Great idea!!! I just let mine run litke a madman all over the house and chase him with the clorox wipes trying to undo the damage. Just kidding. Mostly. Heh.

  3. Your baby is so cute!

    Great idea. :)

  4. That is simply a great idea and I have lots of these little washcloths lying around already...so much nicer than going through dozens of paper towels per day. Thanks for the tip!! :)

  5. That is a great idea! I'm always looking for ways to make meal time... and mainly post-meal time easier! Thanks!
    Also, thanks for the heads-up on the 5 Minute Mom contest! We're so entered!

  6. Great idea and softer than paper towel! Love it!
    -Sandy toes


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