Monday, September 29, 2008

tackling the hiding spot

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

The last few weeks I have been quite distracted with "fun things" and have neglected the way my house looks. Now, I'm usually pretty good at making it look presentable and deceiving ones eyes (I've got me some nooks and crannies), so I'm going to be fessing up and admitting my hideaway spot. Every night before bed (OK, most nights before bed) my husband and I straighten up the living room area and put away toys (by put away, I mean toss in the play room) and I clean the kitchen right down to putting the dishes in the dishwasher. I have to do it no matter how late it is, so that the next morning the first thing I see when I walk into the kitchen to "fix" breakfast is cleanliness. It's a good way to start my day off on a good note.

See, that's all well and good, but I have this habit. A habit of piles (anyone relate?). I shift things around a lot from one pile to the next until it finally finds its home. Most times, when I need to hide a pile altogether it goes into the bedroom. The ONE room in the house that my guests are not allowed! Why?'s my honesty - it's usually a mess! Seriously. My husband hates it, and I hate it, but sadly enough it just happens. So, for today's Tackle it Tuesday hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom, I finally did it...I tackled the heaping mound of stuff that cluttered the corner desk that we just transferred into our bedroom (the one desk we vowed we wouldn't use as a place to pile things). During the kids' naps, I forced (yes, forced) myself to stay in the room until I got it done. Not only did I tackle the corner desk, but I also cleared off our dresser...again (trust me this time it was worse!), cleaned off the bathroom sink area, changed the bed sheets, sorted laundry, and filed papers. Wow! I was stuck in there for an hour and a half (the longest my son has napped in weeks), so obviously it was meant to be for me to get this done. Now, I just wish my piles of laundry weren't still sitting there. On my FIRST load, our washing machine went hay-wire and is not all out of whack and the hubby will be calling the serviceman in the morning. Oh well, at least I attempted it, right?

BEFORE embarrassing!

ahhh...much better

What did you tackle today? For more Tuesday Tacklers, head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. Ah yes, getting it gone. My desk stays clean about 45 minutes.....:(

    Thanks for the visit!

  2. WOW! Nicely done!!! I have to do the living room and kitchen thing every night, too. Otherwise I wake up immediately stressed out. Blah.

    And, my bedroom corner looks worse than that. It's on my list of shame to share with the whole entire blogging world some Tuesday.

    Nice to meet you!
    a fellow heidi ;-)

  3. Great tackle! We did our room last week. Oh it was way worse than yours! lol

  4. Yeah, great job!!! My desk always seems to be in shambles. thanks for the motivation!!

  5. My desk doesn't stay clean either with the kids putting their school work on there for me to correct, bills, shopping list. I am working on a better plan though. :D

  6. It looks like that desk is in a bedroom. I hope that it's a guest bedroom. I have my desk/computer in my bedroom and it is so aweful looking at it when it is cluttered. Which is often.

    I am so glad that you got your desk tackled.

    I tackled some homemaking tasks. I hope that you'll stop by to visit.

  7. Nice job! I need that same work done in my office, a complete nightmare! Stop by my Tackle it Tuesday for a garden breakdown!

  8. I'll admit shuffling piles. And using containers to hide piles. Its OK and actually part of tidying up. As long as we go through the piles every so often.

    I have two blog post this Tuesday. Photos of our typical morning on my personal blog at

    And an explanation of changes we are making at my homeschool blog

  9. Great tackle. Personally, I've given up on the heap that is my desk. I'm thinking the mess makes me more creative -- or some other BS like that....

  10. That looks so nice. I wish we had tons of drawers to put things in. The first time I go to look for something, everthing gets messed up again.

  11. Great job. It seems like I am always tackling my piles only to have to do it all over again in a few days. I wish I could find a way to leave it clean now!

    The top of the dresser in our master bedroom is probably the worst. Clean clothes, library books, work papers, on and on.

  12. Heidi-
    It looks great =). Love the monkey theme for Austin's b-day. Miss you!!

  13. Looks GREAT!! I am dreading doing our room. Every time we clean - we always leave that room out. But in my defense, our room isn't pretty - even if it were clean! The furniture doesn't match and we don't have anything on the walls or curtains up. Therefore, I don't care about keeping it clean:)


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