Friday, January 16, 2009

it's a guessing game!

The other night after coming home from setting up for our monthly MOPS meeting, I walked in the door to find that the dishwasher was running, the kitchen was sparkling, the kids had both had baths and in pajamas, Austin had already drank his bottle, and Mikayla and Daddy were playing a game. I could have started crying right then and there! It was going to be a stressful and long evening and Ryan could sense that, so he became Super Dad (which, he is quite often, I might add). Did I mention that he did all of this in exactly an hour?!

I headed over to the table where they were playing the game and wanted to take a peek. I noticed that they were playing Guess Who? Well, our 2 1/2 year-old is not quite at the age for "guessing who", so my creative husband adapted it to fit her needs. Look at me, I sound like I'm a teacher or something!

Instead of playing across from each other and shouting out "Does your person have...?" Mikayla picks a card from the pile and tries to find that person on her board. Genius! This gives her some help in the area of matching, colors, facial recognition, and learning words like mustache and beard. Because you know those kinds of words are extremely important.


  1. Spencer totally loves that game. What a great idea for a way to play with the younger kids!

    Did you find it ridiculous the amount of assembly required when you first got the game? I thought it was absurd.

  2. Your husband is so sweet!

    You go to Mops? My sister is on the steering team at her church's mops in Broken Arrow Ok. I've been with her a few times and love it. If I could get my husband to I would move over there just for that (well that and the love of a sister!)

    I might have to get that game for my 4 yr old. I bet he would enjoy it. -Have a great weekend!


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