Saturday, February 28, 2009

recipe round-up!

How a month can go by so quickly, I'm not sure, but it's the end of February already and The Organizing Junkie is rounding up all those cluttered spaces. February's task was geting our recipes organized!

If you've visited here before you may have already seen my recipe box tackle I accomplished at the end of January (before I realized it would be part of the Org Junkie's round ups!), along with my dessert book I put together after tackling my recipe box.

Although it felt good to finally be on top of my recipe organization, I was still lacking in the area of getting my cookbooks organized...or even usable! My cookbooks were shoved on the top of a cupboard that I usually don't open or even attempt to reach.

I took all of the cookbooks down and took an inventory of them to see what I know I would use and what I wouldn't.

These are the cookbooks and random papers I found that I decided to get rid of. I even found warranty papers for some of my appliances in all of the mess!

I had debated on whether or not to get rid of these Season's Best Pampered Chef cookbooks since I barely look at them, but instead I decided to flip through them real quick to see if there were recipes that I might like to make and put a flag on the pages I wanted to use.

I also found four kid cookbooks that I haven't used yet because I forgot about them! My daughter is at the perfect age for wanting to help cook, and these cookbooks looked like so much fun! Mikayla got the Sesame Street one for Christmas.

In the end, I decided that I wanted to put the cookbooks in a place where I could reach them easily. I also decided to put my recipe box in the same cupboard to clear up a little counter space. So, I rearranged a few cupboards, and found some room that would work perfectly! Why hadn't I done this earlier?

It feels great to get this accomplished, and now I have less of an excuse not to participate in Menu Plan Mondays.

**Head on over to The Organizing Junkie for more Recipe Round-Ups!


In all my organizing madness I came across a fun recipe that I tried out with Mikayla in the midst of all my organizing. See the recipe and all the fun we had here!


  1. You have a nice collection of cookbooks, and I love your recipe box!

  2. I love that you moved it all to a more workable space! Great job!

  3. How funny that you wrote about organizing your cook books. That is going to be my project this week. Any ideas on how to organize 20+ books. Wait until you see the pictures on how I store them. They are everywhere.

  4. You are all organized now. I like your recipe box. Sadly, I still need to do some weeding on my cookbooks. I just haven't mentally prepared myself for that.

  5. I'm always so inspired by your organizational projects! I need to stop observing and get busy myself though. :)


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