Wednesday, March 4, 2009

would you like a little sugar with your coffee?

Mikayla was "helping" Daddy yesterday morning with making his coffee just like every morning. She decided she would take matters into her own hands.

It didn't quite work out like she had planned...

It didn't stop her from smiling, and I'm sure she'll be back in the kitchen in the morning!

For more Wordless Wednesday, visit 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. Oh yeah, I've looked like THAT before.

    Except she's waaaay cuter.

    Oh! My word verification is Bliss! That's one of my FAVORITE words!

    Ok. Carry on.

  2. Oh this would have been the perfect picture for iheartfaces. The entries this week had to be "messy." She is oh SO cute!

    I hope your little guy is better really fast now that he's got antibiotics.


  3. Awwww! I can imagine her gasp & surprise when it landed on her. Cute!

  4. Great picture!! Love little helpers!!

  5. Bless him!

    Mine has been home sick since last Monday so I know how you feel!

    That coffee explosion picture is priceless!

  6. Oh no! What a cute little mess!!

  7. You are so organized! I love how you have Mikayla's bows. Love her little messy face... looks like she's a BIG helper! =)

  8. What a fun picture. Definately one for the wedding display!

  9. At least she has a lot of fun helping! Happy WW!


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