Wednesday, March 4, 2009

WFMW - the greatest hits

Today over at We Are That Family, Kristen is hosting WFMW - Greatest Tips/Hints Edition, which really couldn't come at a better time since we're battling some sickness around here, and I haven't come up with something new to share.

After the fourth day of a high fever, we finally took Austin to the doctor. First he tested him for strep throat, but that came back negative. Then it was onto his ears, and after cleaning them out because they were so plugged with wax he couldn't see in them, the doctor determined that indeed he had an ear infection in one of his ears.

So, it's antibiotics for this little guy...

Let's hope he's on the road to recovery. It's been a little rough around this household!


So, back to WFMW! I thought I would share my TOP FIVE favorite Works for Me posts as part of this week's Greatest Tips/Hints Edition.

**click on each picture to head to that particular post**

#1 - Organizing Hair Accessories
Or, I suppose you could just click HERE and visit all of my WFMW posts!

And, of course, HERE for more of WFMW at We Are That Family.


**And just a quick reminder - TOMORROW is the big day to link up your posts for this month's craft challenge using a scalloped craft punch. Visit HERE for more information and grab the button on the left side bar to spread the word. Don't forget...there will be a giveaway!!


  1. I hope Austin feels better soon. I had someone tell me to put warm vinegar in the ear for an ear infection. I haven't tried it yet. I hope the rest of you "stay" healthy.
    Thank you for all the fun posts. I get so many ideas from you.

  2. Hopefully Austin feels better soon. Declan had 2 ear infections simultaneously this summer and the antibiotics worked wonders for him. Great idea with the hair accessories. I will have to try that.

  3. I am glad you posted these ideas! I love the themed baby shower gifts.

  4. Great tips! I seriously need a gift wrap center. My wrapping has gotten sad. I had to wrap our last birthday present here with some scrapbooking paper because all I had was a roll of Christmas wrap!

  5. I am so glad you compiled a list of your greatest hits! It was fun to see your ideas and of course I am going to have to borrow some! Love the easy gift tag idea, great use of scraps.

  6. You need to post a before and after antibiotics of Austin. He is such a cutie that the pictures do not do him justice! Hope teh antibiotics work. Elizabeth has the roto (sp?) virus!

  7. I love the gift tag idea! Hope your little one is better soon.


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