Thursday, April 30, 2009

clearing the closet clutter

Can anyone relate to the mess that can happen in a a matter of months or sometimes even weeks? I'm sure it has something to do with the idea of how you can just close the doors to close out the mess. I feel like I do a decent job of having an organized plan and then in the rush of the moment I end up shoving something in the closet "just for now" and then never coming back to actually put it away in its proper place. And, then, of course, it starts to build! To say the least my kids' closets were in need of some shapening up. They were starting to get overtaken by clothes that didn't fit or new summer clothes I've recently purchased, or simply just stuff that starts to accumulate without you even realizing it!

It was, add a little Spring Cleaning Fever and a good old fashioned Org Junkie Roundup and those closets are now good to go! Clothes are now neatly put away or passed down to friends whose children are in need of the next size. And I even filled a pretty good sized box to either store in the attic or put in the garage sale pile. It feels good to get things organized and clean.

I tackled my son's closet a week ago, so this might be a repeat for those who come by my blog often. For those coming over from Org Junkie's Round Up you can visit HERE for more details. (I even cleaned out the dresser drawers!) I cleaned out my daughter's closet at the end of last week. And, now I can share my success!

Austin's Closet

(right side)

(right side)
(left side)
(left side)

Mikayla's Closet

(left side)

(left side)

(right side)
(right side)
You still have time...get those closets or cupboards de-cluttered and head on over to The Organizing Junkie to show off your hard work!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i {heart} mod podge

Update to add: This idea was featured on One Pretty Thing - Daily DIY on April 30th. Click button to the left to see some other projects for that day or click HERE to go to the main page for One Pretty Thing.

Xazmin at This is the Year hosts a monthly get together that showcases projects using Mod Podge, the miracle glue! (Which, by the way is something I am LOVING these days, and therefore I also joined up with Things I Love Thursday at The Diaper Diaries.) Just within the last few months I've really been on a Mod Podge kick, so I knew exactly the project I was going to do for this month. Actually, I wanted to have this project completed weeks ago, but have been lacking in motivation after a few hiccups in my plan, but I was able to get inspired and got it done just in time for Mod Podge Mania!

A little over 2 weeks ago, I shared this fun find from my local Goodwill that I snagged for only $1.99! I had visions of what I might do with it, but those visions quickly got smashed once I had a little run in with a can of spray paint. Don't laugh...I'm just not good with things like that.

Here's my spray paint job. Not the best. For some reason some of the places cracked and bubbled a little, so I decided that I would sand it down and just brush over it with paint later on...seriously, just put down the paint can! I already did enough damage.

Next step was to find some fun paper. I headed to my local scrapbook store with my tray in hand. I found some beautiful coordinating paper that I couldn't wait to bring home!

After cutting the paper to size, I glued down the main patterned paper in the bottom of the tray and then added a few coats of Mod Podge over that. (Don't you love my spray paint job? I think I actually forgot this side...good thing I was just going to cover it with paper anyway!)

Then it was time to cut the pieces for the inside walls. Thankfully the length of paper was a perfect fit, leaving just a little of the wood tray exposed on each side but not enough to notice. After measuring, I just cut the paper into strips. After gluing each of the strips on the inside I added a couple of layers of Mod Podge over those as well.

The finished product!
I'm so happy with the colors and patterns of the paper!
I'm glad I didn't just scrounge up something in my paper stash and instead decided to spend the $2.29 to buy the paper just for this project! And I just LOVE how the Mod Podge gives it that finished, glossy look.

So, are you wondering what I plan on using this for? Mostly just for my daughter to play with in her "kitchen". Although as she watched me work on this project, she asked what I was doing and I said I was making her a tray so she could bring me breakfast in bed! We'll see if she passes that idea onto her daddy.

And, now if you've suddenly gotten in the mood to get creative and be inspired, join me NEXT THURSDAY with a craft project that uses anything with ribbons for my Monthly Craft Challenge. Check out all the fun things that were made by many who joined in for February's Challenge & March's Challenge. I'll be sharing some inspiring ideas, so come on back in the next couple of days to take a peek!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

reliving the good old days!

I ALWAYS come through on a challenge...even if it takes me two weeks to do it! Reason? I had to hunt down the picture to fulfill this challenge and it was at my parents' house that I don't visit often since they are not currently living there right now while they are in Alaska. OK...enough of the excuses!

Xazmin at This is the Year tagged me to participate in the "PROM TAG". Really she just wanted to get back at me for the last tag I made her do. But, it's all in fun, so I'm on board. To make a long story short (and in an effort to avoid the emotional distress of my high school dating years)...I didn't even go to my prom! But, being the good sport that I am, I am still playing along and dug up the ONE dance I did go to in high school!

So the rules of the tag are this:

1) Leave me a comment guessing which year this photo was taken...(yes the wrong guess might hurt our friendship...kidding, of course...I can't be that old!) I will post the correct year in a few days after guesses come guess away!

2) If I TAG you...DIG up your old Prom picture (or any dance will do as is what I did), post it and let us guess the date, too.

~If you are married to your Prom date let us know!

~If you are not...try to post a Prom picture of your Prom & a second picture of your husband's prom too...let us know where each of your dates are now...and their relationship status!! (and of course YOU are way cuter than his Prom date!)

~If you are single...let us know where your Prom date is now!

3) I am gonna TAG five people...and then those taggers need to keep it going by tagging 5 other people.


Like I said before, I didn't go to my prom (I was never asked! Can you believe that? We won't get into that.) This picture was taken the night of our high school's Valentine's Day dance. Is there really such a thing? Maybe that's why I'm not all dressed up in formal attire.

Obviously my date (we'll call him K.V.) and I were not dating as you can tell by the great distance in between us. We went to the same youth group together and were pretty good friends, so it wasn't too uncomfortable when he asked me to go as "friends". I worked for his parents all through high school. I was told quite often that I would make a great daughter-in-law...but it never happened. He is now married with 2 kids living with his wife and family in Japan. I still run into his mom every now and then and get an occasional update on what he is up to.

I asked hubby where HIS prom picture was...and he has no idea, so I will spare him the agony of plastering his high school picture on my blog and not make him call up his parents to try to find it. We'll let that one slide...

I guess that wasn't too bad. Now it's your turn! I never know if tagging people makes them roll their eyes or if they're all for it! Playing tag isn't for everybody and that's OK! All the ladies that I KNOW would play along have already been tagged, so...I'm going to take a stab at it and tag:

Katie at A Listmaker's Life

Katie at Katie's Nesting Spot
Hillary at A Beautiful Life
Shelby at Schweri Stories
Kelli at Random Thoughts of a Supermom

And one more tag for good measure:
Kim at Caldwell Cuties

No hurt feelings if you don't do it...promise!

And, no, aren't allowed to guess! You either, sis!

play room pick up

I'm barely squeezing in today's Tackle it Tuesday, but is it seriously my children's mission to empty every last container in the play room? Usually it doesn't happen quite like this, but I'm thinking that Mikayla might be just trying to "help" me with my Spring cleaning! The funny thing about this is that their ultimate goal was to fill an upside down umbrella with their toys. I think they got a little carried away! The upside? I was able to go through their toys and organize a pretty good system for what toys go where. Now, I'm motivated to make some labels for the bins!

please excuse the girl with no clothes on...
this is how this 3-year old "rolls" while at home!

What'd I do, mom? I'm completely innocent.



There's so much more to tackle,
but this one just had to be done!

Monday, April 27, 2009

talk about tea time with friends

Updated to add on 6/4/09: This party was featured on Creative Parties & Showers.

Updated to add on 6/6/09: This party was featured on Happy Party Monkey.


One more birthday post...I promise!!

For Talk About Tuesday, I thought I would talk all about Mikayla's 3rd birthday party last Friday with friends. We invited 3 of her little girlfriends over ranging in age from 2 1/2 years to 3 1/2 years to join in on the celebration and have a little dress up/tea time party. This was so much fun to plan and I couldn't wait for Mikayla to enjoy some time with her little girlfriends in honor of her birthday!

The party invites - cute little purses...

...with the party details inside!
The Party Room
Bring on the food!
An up close view...

I made each of the girls their own little cone filled with marshmallow pops. They ended up looking like roses because I tied them with green ribbon. It was a fun addition to the decor.
The place settings

Up close of the name plates

My mom made each of the girls these cute little skirts. She claimed that they were super easy and so she whipped them out in one evening! It was her gift to Mikayla's little friends.

Little goody bags - it was fun to spoil the girls since there were only 4 of them! I also sent the girls home with a boa, necklace, and bracelet.
Waiting for the guests to arrive!
Mikayla waited by the door ready to give each of
her friends some dress up accessories
The girls decorated foam frames with foam letters and flowers

I plan on sending them one of these
pictures to put inside the frame...
We played "Pass the Puppy"...kind of like hot potato
It was a bit tough with 3-year olds to get them to actually pass the puppy!
It's tea time! The girls loved drinking their "tea" (apple juice) and asked for more quite often. The menu consisted of flower-shaped PB & J sandwiches, grapes and strawberries, carrots and cucumbers, mini banana muffins, and crackers.

The girls got a kick out of the tea cups turning a dark pink when the tea was poured inside.
Present time!

Instead of cake or cupakes, I decided to make cookies.
Austin enjoying a little dress up of his own

Mikayla waving goodbye to her friends!

Thanks for visiting and putting up with all the party talk over the last week! I can officially say I am done with all that I had to share.

Check out some of my previous birthday posts if you haven't been by in awhile or if you're new to my blog!

And if you want to hear what others are talking about, head on over to The Lazy Organizer for more!