Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Have you been a bit puzzled why you haven't seen much of me lately? I kind of took a bit of a blogging break there for awhile...unintentional, of course! I almost went a whole week...what's up with that? I haven't really been into the groove of my usual blogging self. As a matter of fact, my crafty self either (besides making cards). I guess it's true that the summer sure does open itself up for some outside fun and there's a lot more motivation to be out doing things when the weather is gorgeous! I'm actually really far behind in sharing all of the fun things we've been up to. I hope to make my rounds to come visit and check in...don't count me out quite yet!

(If you're interested, head on over to my Stampin' Up blog to check out the card we made at my open house last night.)

And speaking of being puzzled...

Need a quick, sentimental, and crafty gift idea?

I already had a couple of things that I was giving Ryan for his birthday, but there was one more thing I wanted to do for him. I always like to do something a little creative for him. (Although it's getting harder and harder trying to come up with something I haven't done before)

I printed out an 8x10 picture of the kiddos on cardstock with a little birthday greeting. I laminated it for extra first time with our new laminator we found at the Joe's closeout sale for $2.00!!! More about that laminator later, I'm sure. Hello!? Awesome find!!

I cut it up into squares approx. 2x2-inch...

Wrap the pieces up in a cute little box ready for daddy to open...

And now, you have a puzzle that the kids and daddy can do together! Mikayla couldn't wait to put it together. She's a whizz at puzzles!


  1. You should have gotten an extra laminator!!! I would have given you the $2 for it. Ah Man!

    My husband is turning 29 the same week as yours! That's neat. Great card/puzzle.

  2. Great idea. This would be great gift for a kid...or for Valentines Day....for grandparents - of course, the possibilities are endless. Thanks!

  3. Super cute! I bet the kids love it too...if your kids are anything like mine they love to look at pictures of themselves! =)

  4. It turned out so cute! Great find on the laminator!!

  5. What an adorable gift and...Um, yeah great find on the laminator. I love those things.

  6. That is such a cute idea! My grandmother would LOVE something like that with all her great-grandkids on it!

  7. I love the idea. I might have to steal it for Jeremy's birthday (in December). Can I borrow your laminator? haha. That WAS a great find!

  8. Ah...I'd love to have a laminator! $2?? Wow. And what a great idea.

  9. I want a $2.00 laminator!! I'll pay shipping! Hint, hint!

    How fun! Cute idea as always! I've noticed you haven't been around here or there or anywhere! Hee hee!

    It's okay and needed at times to take a break! Thanks for not going too long before we starting worrying!

    Have a wonderful day!!

  10. what a great gift! Fun for everyone! Super cute picture. Yes, I am finding that this summer has been more busy than last. I am getting bloggers block alot.

  11. cute cute cute!!!

    I love it!!


  12. I took a bit of a blogging hiatus too-summer feels like it's just hard to fit that in with everything else.

    What a cute idea-I bet he loved doing that with the kiddos.

    I'm heading over to check out your SU! blog.

  13. Wow! It's been a while since I've commented. Things just get crazy during summer. Hopefully I can visit a little more frequently.

    I loved your puzzle and the little interview you gave your daughter. I've wanted to do that, but just haven't gotten to it. Anyway, it was really sweet. I bet your husband's b'day was great!

  14. Heidi!
    This is an a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e idea!
    Happy Birthday to your husband. I'm glad you are outside enjoying your summer!

  15. Totally cute idea! Donnie is so hard to buy for as he really never wants a thing, so this would be a great idea.
    I totally agree with you about it being hard to blog in the summer. I can find so many more things to get done and it stays lighter outside so much longer, so that means more fun!
    Have a great day!

  16. Great Idea!!! I love the crafty ideas you come up with!

  17. This is such a cute idea! I have been a terrible blogger lately, commenter too!! Just enjoying the summer so much! Love your collages!


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