Sunday, July 5, 2009

there's always at least one in the bunch!

This last weekend, my sister and her family were in town for a visit and we attempted a cousins shot like we often do when my brother, sister, and I are all together.

One of the little guys didn't quite get the memo that he was supposed to cooperate. Certainly it wasn't our child.

I guess we'll just have to "photoshop" the little bugger in!


  1. I love the look on the other kids' faces!

  2. That's our Austin boy! A year ago it was Hunter :)
    Wish we had been there!
    Dad and Mom

  3. It's next to impossible to get them all in and looking at the camera isn't it!? Just one of the many reason's I'm thankful for photoshop! Still is a cute picture!

  4. Everyone is happy as clams, except for, well...that one!

  5. I have a kiddo kind of like that :) I have just come to think that the photo is a success if I get all 4 of the kids' faces in it :) hee hee

  6. Too funny! I love how you caught his escape on film! We tried a shot like that with my grandmother's 7 great grandkids...Grant was holding Eli by his overall straps to keep him from crawling away...but we got a great pic!

  7. Oh picture time! Austin says... no thanks I'm outta here! I love watching Mikayla's face in each photo too! I love the capture of his escape too! Too cute!

  8. Okay really didn't mean to say "too" too many times!

  9. And I thought it was always me... the kids in the last picture look like they are saying "hey what happened too him?"

    Cute pictures.

  10. I think it is cute they all just sat there an waited it out!! Cute!

  11. I love those shots together. So cute. I know, it is hard to get a good shot of many little people. We also tried doing it this weekend!


  12. Classic! We've all been there with THAT kid! :-)

  13. Too cute - I love this post!


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