Friday, July 3, 2009

a little water doesn't hurt

First off, thank you for the encouragement many of you gave with me feeling a little down and out. I think I was just having a "moment". It truly does give me the courage to keep sharing a little more personally on this blog. I know I'm surrounded by friends.


Now onto some cute photos of our fun time at the water park on Wednesday. It was a gorgeous day to celebrate one of my best friend's little girl turning 3 years old. It really made me wish one of my kids had a summer birthday. This was the PERFECT location for pure entertainment for 15 or so little kiddos. Mikayla was soaking it all in, but Austin? He still needs to get the concept that a little water doesn't hurt.

Austin, the cautious one...

Mikayla, the daring one...

Austin - "maybe just a little touch"

Mikayla - "I'm going all in!"

Austin - "I'm good right here"

Mikayla having all the fun!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


  1. What a fun water park! A perfect way to spend the day. I hope you had a good day today.

    Happy 4th!


  2. What a fun outing! Austin is like my Libby! She is content with just a toe in the water!

  3. That looks like such a fun waterpark! It took Henry a while to get into stuff like that{I think he didn't like the water spraying in his face}...but now he loves it!

  4. Looks like a fun time! Hope you have a fabulous day today!

  5. What super cute photos. We just love hitting the water park!
    Happy Fourth of July to you and your family!

  6. It looks like they had lots of fun! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. What cute pictures! Melody is daring like Mikayla...what's up with that? I thought girls were supposed to be easier! lol

  8. its been so hot here and that water looks so refreshing.

    great photo friday

  9. What a great series of photos! Kestyn is just like Austin. Our pictures of her at the water park last Saturday at proof:)I got a good laugh! Mikayla is a little go getter! Austin and Kestyn will be there soon I'm sure:)

  10. I have to take the kids to that park!! What a super fun day!

    Sorry I missed your down and out post. HOpe youa re feeling better and having a good time with your sister today.

  11. That looks like a lot of fun! That would be my kids, Caleb...daring, Jamison..."I'm good right here." Loved that line.

  12. Those are great photos! They do look like they are having fun. OK. She does...he's just no so sure, ya' know. :-)

  13. you have the cutest kiddos! Isn't it funny how two kids from the same genes can be some entirely different?! I find that so fascinating. :)

  14. That's very nice looking water park you live by! It looks very upscale and not like the neon blue squishy foam place by me☺ Glad you're feeling better.

  15. We love that park too! Super fun. I hope you had a better day today! Sorry you were feeling down. xoxo

  16. What a fun day! We're glad we'll be there for some hot August days!


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