Monday, August 24, 2009

something about those shoes

I'm thinking it's about time we get rid of these shoes...

You think!?

Oh my goodness, this is embarrassing. For some reason Austin has this strange attachment to these shoes. He loves them and wants to wear them ALL THE TIME. The other night, he even wanted to wear them to bed. Really?

On Sunday, we were forced to let him wear these to a birthday lunch for my brother because it would have been a nightmare of a time if we didn't! I just wanted to keep the peace, and so he wore the shoes.

On the way home, Ryan and I devised a plan to get him to start wearing his other shoes. I never thought we would have to do a shoe intervention on a 2-year old...on a boy for that matter!

I knew at least a week or so ago that it was about time for new shoes and since it's still sandal weather here in Oregon, I took him to Payless Shoe Source and we found a cool new pair of Cars shoes. Was he excited about them? Not even in the slightest. Hello!? They even light up in the back! I never buy shoes that light up! But I thought maybe he actually would wear them because of that. The only thing he liked to do with them was hit them on the ground to watch them light up.

So, we took them back.

Just on Saturday, while out hitting up some garage sales with Mikayla, I found a pair of green Crocs for $1.00! His size, great condition, and so I thought to myself, "score!"

Nope. Wants nothing to do with them.

In fact, he would rather wear his water shoes than wear a perfectly brand new pair of every day shoes. And, as you can tell, pretty soon we'll be seeing his toes pop through on these, too.

And, then there's the time I mistakenly let Austin play outside in an almost brand new pair of shoes, and a couple of days later found this...

It still hurts me just to look at these! Good thing I only paid $3.74 on clearance back in January. Although, I kind of thought they would last longer than oh, let's see...2 days!!

After some smart thinking (and a couple pairs of ruined shoes), I finally thought to make an "outside shoes only" basket to keep in the garage.

Could have used that A LITTLE EARLIER in the summer!!

What's the culprit to all this madness?

Just watch and you will see...

Curious on where those shoes in the first picture are?

In the garbage.

Pray for us.


  1. Too cute really!! I have a pair of elmo slippers in my cedar chest from when Bug was 2, they look very similar, and I can't seem to part with them!!:-)

  2. That TOTALLY cracks me up! You are in SERIOUS trouble! Time to buy a tricycle...or even better, a cozy coupe with the board in to keep his feet up! :) LOL.

  3. It is so hard when they get something in their mind that they love and want to wear. But he seems so young to already have an opinion about that. Hope you can find another pair that looks similiar. Good luck.
    I can see why his toes poke through. Maybe get him a bike with peddles. LOL

  4. Oh I love it!! My son (3) was once attached to his Crocs! We finally moved on to a pair of Keens he can't live without!
    Love the post! Good luck with the shoes..

  5. Oh my.....they should start making steel toe shoes for toddlers!

    I can totally undertand the attachments a little 2 year old boy has to things! I have one of those little boys too! I've had to do a few tricky disappearances with some things.......I tend to go with the out of sight theory, when it works....
    Good luck!

  6. Oh how I'm right there with you. Caleb will NOT put his feet on the pedals of his bike so his shoes all get scuffed up. Now we have play shoes. They look so bad!

  7. perhaps you should buy stock in Stride Rite! And I thought Jack was rough on shoes!

  8. What a cute video! We miss these little ones!
    Papa and Grammy

  9. Oh my goodness Heidi! That first pictures is so stinkin' cute! (Pardon the pun! LOL) It's totally classic. I love it. :)

  10. You need some iron toed sandals for him! My McKenna ruined some of her white church shoes outside... same place. I didn't see what she did, but it might be something like that cute video of Austin.

    Good luck! Great idea for the basket of outside shoes!

  11. Those were just barely broken in!! Or just broken. LOL. Good luck when he realizes they're gone-I hope he finds some he likes as much.

  12. that is some serious shoe damage! both of my girls are strangely attached to their crocs too! What gives?

  13. Looks like it's time for new wheels. Something that won't let him draaaaag those shoes.

    Adorable video!

    xoxo ~Lisa

  14. Too funny! I hope he survives okay without his favorite shoes! My boys loved their crocs...until they left them outside one day and the rain washed them out of the yard and down the road! We ended up finding one of each color!

  15. Love the photos. You totally make me feel normal somedays as we are always going through the same things with our boys.
    I guess boys will be boys.

  16. Like the shoes! Boys!! My friend at work's son has the same obsession with a pair of shoes wanting to wear them everywhere, to bed, in the tub, all day....

  17. Wow - that is scary for Mikayla to have to go through. Poor girl. I hope everything turns out alright for her and she doesn't have to see anymore scary male doctors or technicians.

    PS. Declan had a pair of those navy blue and orange shoes. I think it is time to get him even newer shoes now. His feet grow like weeds! Weeds I tell ya!


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