Friday, January 23, 2009

shoe heaven

On Monday, I stopped by Target (my third trip in a week!) and I hadn't been through the shoe aisle yet, so I decided to browse, especially since I didn't have the kids with me.

Boy, did I hit the shoe jackpot!! I found 5 pairs of shoes for all under $5 (most of them were only $3.50).

Of course, as always, Austin was outnumbered and only came away with one pair, which will be saved for future use. Mikayla will be able to wear a couple of shoes by this spring and a couple will probably fit her into the summer.

It's amazing how a good deal can make me so giddy! And, thanks to my friend, Kim, spreading the news about the big sale going on at the Carter's Outlet in Woodburn on Monday, I came away with even more amazing deals.

Now, if I can only get my husband to understand just how amazing these deals are!

And, speaking of deals...

Thanks to a new blog I found called Frugal Fulfillment, I found out that the Children's Place online store is having a Monster Sale! They have low inventory on quite a few of the things advertised, but I was able to find a few things that will definitely work for the kids. The shipping is a $5 flat fee, so it's not too bad. Go check it out...just don't expect me to tell you how to explain it to your husband.


Be Brave, Keep Going said...

Is THAT a friday find or what??????????!!!!!!!!!!!

I am SOOOOO going to Target!!

Anonymous said...

I went and got 3 pair for Elizabeth. The brown ones with the pink flowers is one I got too. The boots were not there, bummer I love those. Kim

Charissa said...

We have a carters outlet 5 minutes away and we got a bunch of long sleeved onesies for $1.40 each last weekend! good deals are awesome...maybe we'll try our target tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Great purchase.!! I think you really hit the shoe jackpot!!

Kasey said...

I love the Children's Place! It's my favorite for the kids. I'll have to go check out the great deals, and I might have to make a trip to Target to check out there shoes too! Now you just need to get some for you and you're set!!!

when I tell my husband I got things on sale he always says that I'm going to save us into debt (hehe!)

Heidi @ Tayterjaq's Rebels said...

My husband doesn't understand the "saving" part either. He always says "If you didn't buy it at all you would have saved even more." Men just don't get it.

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