I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Ours was spent doing project after project, but I loved having my hubby home for THREE DAYS! We got so much done, but still enjoyed spending time together. There still seems like so much left to be done, but we're on our way!!
The last couple of weekends, we have tackled...
*Decorating & painting the "formal dining room" (which won't be used as that for us right now.)

AFTERSorry, I can only give you a sneak peek at this time.
We're still in MAJOR transition, but it's painted!

*We proceeded to remove wallpaper cards off Austin's room...
...with a steamer...

...which left us with all of this on the wall!

...so then we tried this...

...and Goof Off
...and wallpaper stripper
...and peeling it off with our fingernails
...and using a straight blade
{insert helpful suggestion here!}*We went to IKEA on Sunday and found the most awesomest
(I know it's not a word, but it should be!) storage cabinet thingy for my very own craft room. Best part? It was in the "as is" section stating that it had scratches on it. Ummm...we couldn't find a single scratch anywhere. It was
another 35% off its already reduced price because they are discontinuing it. It was meant. to. be.
So, now I can finally do something about all of this ugliness (hey, we "just moved in"...do I get a little sympathy?)...

Sorry, still only a sneak peek. It will take a lot of hard work and sweat to get this room up to my standards. But here is the
bottom half of the unit we purchased. It has a hutch on top. It's actually meant to be a kitchen buffet, but it will work just perfectly for what I want it for.

To add to the tackle list from this weekend/past week:
-filled holes and touched up paint through the house (main living area color)
-hung picture frames (just a few!)
started weeding the backyard, finished weeding the front yard, lawn mowed, grass seed filled in patches
-major rearrangement of furniture upstairs to make room for my new storage cabinet (we literally moved things from craft room to Mikayla's room to our closet to the play room - oh my!)
-finally organized our bedroom closet
-purchased 2 gallons of paint for Mikayla's room (next weekend, maybe?)
-garage sale pricing
started organizing the garage (WOWZA! is all I can say!)
-laundry...too many loads to count
I bet there's even more I have forgotten, but all this to say...it was a very productive weekend!

Check out what others have tackled at
5 Minutes for Mom.
And, on a business note...

If you love Stampin' Up! products, check out my most
recent blog post at Stuck on Stampin'. They just released their retiring products in preparation for the new catalog coming out on July 1st. There are also a handful of accessories that are 25% or 50% off. Even if you live far, far away you can still order through my website at
heidiboos.stampinup.net. Feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment with any questions.