I love baskets! I love to organize! It's a win-win situation for me.
For Works for Me Wednesday this week (Shannon's last one!), I thought I would give you a quick tour of all the little baskets I have around the house, and what I use them for. I actually didn't realize I had so many until I started taking pictures of all of them. (I think I might have a problem. Although, I guess it's a good problem since it keeps me organized.)
Many of the baskets I own I have purchased over the years either on clearance, on sale, given to me as part of a gift basket, or found at a second-hand store. Some of the baskets I paid full price for were ones I bought at IKEA that fit perfectly into our bookshelves...and those were purchased one by one over the years.
I also love buying baskets that come in sets. I found a killer deal once about 3 years ago (I still remember it) at Home Depot that had a set of 4 baskets...I so wished I would have scooped up another set at the time! My mom made basket liners for Mikayla's nursery and they looked so adorable. Then, when Austin was born, she made another set of liners for his room, which now I only need one basket for his room (see pictures below). Now I am happy to be able to use these baskets in other places around the house.
Hopefully you are inspired by one of these pictures and can find a use for a basket to help keep you just a little bit more organized.
they are perfect for holding toys and books
more IKEA baskets!
the basket on the far right holds our camera stuff...
video camera, regular camera, & camera bags
(keeps them handy, but out of the way)
these little baskets I found at Fred Meyer and they were
on clearance for $1.49 each!
I should have snagged more, but I only picked up four
(inside these baskets pictured directly below
are our remotes & the kids' music CDs)
I use it here for odds and ends to clear up clutter on the counter

one more Fred Meyer basket...
used in my son's room for lotion, comb, diaper rash cream, etc.
basket of blankets in the coat closet
a bread basket on the kitchen counter...
it helps keep all the bread items together in one place
(this is one of the baskets from the set I found at Home Depot...isn't it great?)
another part of the Home Depot set...
used in Austin's room for blankets
(this is the liner I was talking about earlier that my mom made - cute, huh?)
more toy organization!
(another basket from the set at Home Depot)
I received this basket as part of a gift...
it was perfect for the kids' bathroom!
I found this one on sale at Fred Meyer...
...and so I bought two!
(one for each bathroom)
these two baskets I found at Marshalls...
I loved that they have basket liners that match the colors in Mikayla's room...
they are perfect for all of Mikayla's babies and accessories
Is it obvious that I love me some baskets??
Apparently, they work for me!
Head on over to Rocks in My Dryer for more of Works for Me Wednesday. This will be Shannon's last time hosting and then she will passing it along to Kristen at We Are THAT Family starting next week!
I LOVE baskets... my sister and I love to put everything in baskets. Oh, I think I want to go to IKEA to find some now.
totally good stuff!
I so need some more all the time!
I love organizing pictures; they always inspire me and I need a ton of organizational inspiration for our chaos! I'm off to put some stuff in a basket! Thanks for sharing!
adorable!! i too am a basket fanatic and they are all over the place! i blogged about baskets for my works for me wednesdays a few weeks ago, i think i would be sad without them in life!!
My friend threw a "Basket" wedding shower for me (12 years ago) where every gift had to come in a basket or be some sort of basket. I still have some from that shower that are well used around my home.
I guess that might be one more way they can work for you!
I love the bread basket idea for the kitchen. That is where my next basket is going. Would you or your mom be willing to share the liner pattern? I would love to make liners for some of our baskets
I love baskets too but mine sure don't look as neat and organized as yours. :) Thanks for visiting my blog. I love new readers!
I absolutely love baskets too...so of course I am drooling right now! Have a great day!
I thought I had a lot of baskets... but you win!! :D
You and the organizing junkie would get along fabulously. I like baskets also, somehow I'm into drawers more lately. The blue-eyed blessings are so sweet! All of our blessings are blue-eyed also.
I think my baskets need lids. Yours are so wonderfully organized!
I love baskets too. I did a post all about my baskets a few weeks ago. They are so easy and convenient.
What a cute way to stay organized! I love how you were able to use them for so many different things!
Ross has lots of baskets too! We got a matching lined green basket and laundry basket there for Jake's room...I should probably post pics of his room soon!
You do love baskets! So do I actually. I think you're right. We do have a lot in common. My husband teases me about all the baskets, but you gotta have them, right.
oooohhhh...I love these ideas! I have a shelf full of baskets that I keep in the play room to fill with toys...it makes my life easier I think because Kane can just fill them up and there is no rhyme or reason to it, but it still looks clean! Have a great day!
Hello again. I am not sure what the problem is but I just can't seem to get an email from you. If you can leave it in my comment section, I will delete it as soon as I see it. Thanks!
Love your baskets. We don't have too many but I do have one on the counter top with fruit in it. It was a garage sale find for .25 I actually bought to put bread and rolls in when we eat dinner but it just kind of migrated into the fruit basket.
I agree, love baskets! I don't think I have as many as you though! I love those ikea baskets!
i need baskets like that for my sewing table. ikea huh? not sure if we have one of those or not
I love baskets. All of these look great!
I have an award for you on my site! you're so sweet I had to give it to you! have a great night!
A woman after my own heart! I have baskets in every room and every nook and cranny. They keep me "together". LOL
Very nice! I need to get some baskets in my life! Thanks for sharing!
Okay, do you want to trade house for awhile and whip mine into shape with your basket magic? J/K?
I see you have the wonderful ABC Arbonne (sp?) lotion for your blue eyed babes...do you like it?
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