Day 9 - Watch America's Funniest Videos
"Christmas Spectacular"
One of our favorite shows to watch together as a family is America's Funniest Videos. This is something I grew up on and Mikayla has fallen in love with the laughter that comes from watching this show! It brings back so many memories of my childhood! For Day 9, we all cuddled up with a tasty treat ("Monkey Munch") and watched the Christmas Spectacular version of the show. It was such a blast and I haven't laughed that hard in so long!! There were a couple of times that Austin would look at me (after I was hysterically laughing) and said, "Mom, it's not that funny." I suppose he doesn't have his momma's sense of humor!

All cuddled up and ready to watch the show!
Best "family photo" we could get!
Let the show begin!
Monkey Munch for a snack!
(with some red & green M & M's to make it more festive)
(with some red & green M & M's to make it more festive)
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