Monday, August 4, 2008

label this, label that

I admit it. I'm a labeling junkie. I love labeling all sorts of things from my crafts to my files to tiny boxes in the bathroom to whatever crosses my path that needs labeling. Label, label, label! (Have you noticed how excited I can get about labeling?) So when I saw that 5 Minutes for Mom was giving away a label maker as part of their Back to School giveaway event, I just had to enter!


Go check out their site for lots more fun giveaways, not to mention a bunch of other cool things for mommy bloggers!

And, because I love pictures so much, I thought I would show you some of the things around the house that I already have labeled.

Have I mentioned how much I love labeling? If I won this labeler, I will give it to one of my friends so they can join me in becoming a labeling junkie!


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