Tuesday, June 28, 2011

more museum fun!

We had another fun day on our "Take a Trip Tuesday"!

My good friend Kim planned a summer full of field trips for Tuesdays and invited a handful of friends along to join her and her children when they can. We had to miss the first one to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science & Industry), but last week we went to the Portland Children's Museum. Today we headed down to Salem to visit the A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Village. We were able to get in FREE again this week with the Cultural Pass from our local library. You can't beat free!

We decided to snap a picture of all of the kids on the giant chair out front right when we first got there, so they'd be all smiles. However, for some of them, the chair was a little too high, so we didn't exactly get all smiles! Austin freaked out a little when I tried to get him down and I thought to myself...great, how is he going to do in Disneyland?

This was taken right after the giant chair.
Austin got over his sadness really quickly...he loves dinosaurs!

First stop...

The Bubble Room!

Next stop...

The Oregon Room!

And then...

The Toy Inventors' Workshop

The Brazilian Rainforest Theater

The River Room

The Recollections Room

A Child's Trip to China

The "Go Figure!" Room

And finally...

The Village Grocery

The boys loved watching this turtle!

Fun times at the museum!
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After the museum we took a short walk to The Carousel at Riverfront Park.

The boys preferred sitting in an enclosed space.
But the girls enjoyed riding the horses!!
And then it was time to go home...

Another fun summer day with friends!


vicki said...

That looks like a fun place. It also looked like the kids were having a great time! Great memories :)

Kelli said...

Sadly, I have no idea if we have a children's museum here. They always look so cool. I think it's a great idea that your friend planned outings for the summer like that. Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

Cute, I love how you have the names of the rooms. I am going to copy you!! I also wonder how many times I say that, guess I want to be like you! :)

Rhonda said...

What a fun museum! I'm pretty sure we do not have one like that anymore close. I need to look into that. Okay, I want my pre-k room to look like that!

Miller Racing Family said...

What a wonderful idea. Can you all come to MO, we would love to join in on the fun. Can't wait to see where you all go!
Have a great week!

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