Oh boy, what a mess! For being as obsessively organized as I am, it seems that I can't quite keep my creative space in tip-top shape, so I can actually sit down and be creative! My desk just seems to be my dumping ground.
So, for today's Tackle it Tuesday, I thought I would do a little sprucing up of my creative space. I feel like this is deja-vu or something!
But, before I show you the vast improvement, I want to show off one of my birthday presents I bought a couple of weeks ago. My parents had given me money to get what I wanted and I used my 40% off Michaels coupon to purchase an embellishment center I could hang on the wall. I've been looking for something to replace the small shelves I already had. When I saw this, I knew it was what I needed!
~ it just seemed like it needed something more...
too much blank wall space ~
~ doesn't this make such a difference?
look how much stuff I can put here! ~
It still needs a little bit of tweaking to make it not only functional, but look somewhat decorative on the wall. This is one of the first things that people see when they walk into the play room, so I want it to look neat, orderly, and decorative. I'm planning on making little tags for some of the containers to help add a little flare to it.
Now, onto the mess I really needed to conquer!
Here it is in all its messy glory...
By the way: This picture was even taken after I had started cleaning up a bit. Just picture a lot more piles!
Now that everything's neat and tidy, it's time for me to tackle some button projects. Are you working on yours? Visit HERE for more information and play along with us!!

The shelf is fantastic, I want one and I don't even need one! The desk looks great too...love the white!
Pat yourself on the back.
Cute area...great tackle. I love your new shelf and all of the jars. I want to get jars for all of Jamison's puffy stickers. I don't have my crafty space together yet...soon!
I love that shelf-looks great and looks like it holds alot. Your work area looks great-this is good inspiration for me to get going with my craft stuff.
That embellishment center thingy is TO. DIE. FOR. I want it and I probably don't have much to put in it, YET...
I do love that organizing shelf! It is just perfect.
Good job on the desk! My office looks very similar and it seems as soon as i straighten it out it looks messy again. I guess we all need a dumping spot...wait...what does it mean if I have three or four!!
Great job! My scrap area looks like that but it has been my Lenten mission to tackle my area... so far so good! Thanks for the sharing such a great tackle.
That's an awesome tackle!! I would love that shelf on the wall!! I am going to see if I can find one at my Michael's:-)
What a great shelf! I love that you have your own space for crafting. I bet it makes it more fun to tackle a project when you know right where everything is!
My problem is my desk, I clean it and then it goes right back to the way that it was! I love your craft area. Great job!
My WHOLE HOUSE is my problem area! Seriously ... I wish my stuff looked like your before picture!
My problem, with the boutique supplies, is once I have them all organized, and containerized, I end up ordering more supplies, or a new product to try, and all my organizing becomes obsolete!
I LOVE IT!!!I think I may have to go to Michaels after getting Pink eye cream and get one for myself!! I cannot believe the amount of things it holds and could do so much for my stamp room! Which by the way you cannot walk in at the moment! UGH!! Didn't I just post about how I got it all cleaned!!!
I just love a cleaned up space it makes crafting so much more fun. Just worked on this myself and I've been able to get way more done. Love the shelf, my hubby almost got one for me for my birthday but wasn't sure if I'd like it. I wasn't sure if I needed one, but now that I see how cute yours is, maybe my next 40% off coupon will have to go toward that!
Love the shelf Heidi! My mouth started watering when I saw all your ribbon =). GREAT GREAT GREAT seeing you the other day!!
Love the new shelf...Kuddos for you on tackling your desk area...Great after photo! Mine looks like your before pic...maybe worse? I have got to clean up mine...you have inspired me...thanks!
Have a great day!
The shelf looks great! Glad that we found it and you were so excited about it. Wish I was there to help you fill it up.
Love you,
My desk always needs tackling. You did a great job on yours!
Hey...I'm pinching you...come on over and try my green smoothie! Yum!
I love that embellishment center! It looks so great and it is hard to be functional and awesome looking! I totally understand the problem areas. A big one of mine is my master bedroom closet. Every few months I'll spend a few hours getting it in shape and before I know it, it is messy again!
I'm jealous. I have always wanted my own crafting space but have never really gotten it. Little fingers would be all over everything if I had it in our playroom so I am hoping to set up shop in the garage....that is when we have time to clean it out! Great find at Michaels!
Everything looks great, Heidi! Love all the organization.
Love it..looks great Heidi!
Love your new embellishment center! I will have to keep that in mind next time I have a Michael's coupon!!
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