On Sunday I had the BRILLIANT idea (well, maybe not so much to my husband) to re-arrange our bonus room. I was tired of having my creative corner always looking like this and this. I came to the conclusion that I simply just needed more space! Since starting Stampin' Up! I've accumulated a few (a lot) more things that are necessary to continue my growing business, and I needed a place to put everything and feel like I could still function and keep things organized.
organized space = organized thoughts = getting something done!
While browsing a little at Michaels Crafts the other day, I ran across a 6-cube shelf that I just had to have. You know those moments, right? When something is on sale and you have really been needing something just like it.
And, so I bought it.
And that's how this whole re-arranging thing began. I needed to make the shelf fit and of course this meant taking a few things down of the wall, patching some holes, and repainting...all so I could move my desk over just a tad. Oh, and I can't forget that also meant putting together a few pieces of small furniture. {Hooray for husbands who love to help their wives!}
I wish I had a few more before pictures, but the actual "before" of this project was all a mess and I got deep in the trenches before I thought to take a picture of it all. But I got a snapshot of the "during", so does that count? Proof that it was chaos for awhile!
my own little corner in our bonus room
my own little corner in our bonus room
time to spread out!
time to spread out!
right next to my desk was the kids' play kitchen
right next to my desk was the kids' play kitchen
the play kitchen is now on the opposite side of the wall
(I'll show you the other side of the room redo another day)
the play kitchen is now on the opposite side of the wall
(I'll show you the other side of the room redo another day)
How I expanded
my space...
my space...
had the hubby put together a six cube shelving unit
and added 4 fabric bin drawers, 2 I bought and 2 I already had
(you know the one I had to have)
and added 4 fabric bin drawers, 2 I bought and 2 I already had
(you know the one I had to have)
had the hubby put together a 3-drawer storage organizer
(*brand new* at a garage sale for $5.00)
(*brand new* at a garage sale for $5.00)
swiped a bookshelf from Mikayla's closet that was not being put to
good use so I could have room for more stuff!
good use so I could have room for more stuff!
Actually, now that I look at these pictures...
I think I have room for more stuff!
{kind of}
I think I have room for more stuff!
{kind of}
And now onto what some of you have all been waiting for...
this month's MONTHLY CRAFT CHALLENGE assignment!
Many of you shared your ideas last week and I'm so glad you did. I have made a long list and I'm ready for many, many, many monthly craft challenges to come!
To get us all ready for the upcoming holidays, for the month of September, our challenge is to make something that is Halloween or Fall themed.
And to get the word out, snag this {holiday edition} craft challenge button below (see the html text on the left side bar) and post it on your blog to spread the word. Be sure to link back here so everyone can learn what this challenge is all about! Leave a comment and let me know you have done this on your blog and you will be entered into a giveaway just for shouting it out on your blog! I'll post a winner on Friday morning, so be sure to do this before you head to bed on Thursday.
You'll have one month to create and we'll all "meet up to link up" on Thursday, October 1st. So, what are you waiting for!? Get crafting!!
*wink wink*
this month's MONTHLY CRAFT CHALLENGE assignment!
Many of you shared your ideas last week and I'm so glad you did. I have made a long list and I'm ready for many, many, many monthly craft challenges to come!
To get us all ready for the upcoming holidays, for the month of September, our challenge is to make something that is Halloween or Fall themed.
And to get the word out, snag this {holiday edition} craft challenge button below (see the html text on the left side bar) and post it on your blog to spread the word. Be sure to link back here so everyone can learn what this challenge is all about! Leave a comment and let me know you have done this on your blog and you will be entered into a giveaway just for shouting it out on your blog! I'll post a winner on Friday morning, so be sure to do this before you head to bed on Thursday.

*wink wink*
Oh my goodness, I'm the first to comment?! :-) The room looks great! Looks like a lot more space for you. Yahoo for a craft challenge AND a Halloween one, you know I am "all over" it! :-)
Can you come over and organize my craft "area"? Looks great. Now I have to start thinking of a craft challenge! Thanks for the motivation
Great job. i so need to organize my scrapbooking area. Grrr.
I can't wait to see all the cool Fall and Halloween crafts.
OK, the room...fabulous! I love the drawer system you got at the garage sale...score. I also noticed all of your new Stampin Up stuff. I love their punches so much better. I also posted on my sidebar your button and I WILL be participating this month. I'm excited.
Love it. For some reason, reorganizing and rearranging rooms is my favorite thing to do! Well, maybe not my favorite, but one of them for sure. It looks like you really made some useful changes!
The room looks great! Can't wait to see it in person!
Okay, your craft room makes me so jealous! I have all my stuff crammed into cabinets and I just got it a little organized by using half of my china cabinet for craft storage! I am SUPER excited about next month craft challenge...got to start looking for some fall inspiration!
I posted about the Monthly Craft Challenge...can't wait to see what everyone comes up with this month!
This is perfect!! I am going to be breaking out all the fall decorations to start putting them up at the end of the month and this is a great kick in the pants to re-work some things and make some new ones. I look forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with!
great job organising your craft room.. thats something im in major need of doing but im scared it will take me like two weeks. i definately need more space. we'll be moving into a house next year.. maybe thats why i dont feel like organising my current one as much
Thanks for the inspiration though! i love your ribbon holder
New to this blog, and the challenge, but ready for anything that will help! I added the button and blogged about it, I am ready!!! Great job on the room btw. I don't have a room like that, I have to keep all my stuff packed away, and take it out when I am ready. Makes for some interesting times looking for stuff!!! We have to work on the basement before we will have room in our tiny house for a room for anything besides sleeping and eating!
Looks like a fun challenge. I will post about it when I get back from the library!
Room looks great, even better in person!
I'm sure this room is exciting to walk into now! I LOVE the feeling of getting a room "just right". I'm SO glad I started following your blog...I get inspired every time I visit! :)
You couldn't have told me about this BEFORE I blogged about the "boo" blocks!?
Just kidding...I have the perfect thing in mind.
I'm grabbinb your button right now!
I meant grabbing!
Oh, and p.s., your craft corner looks fabulous! I'm so jealous!
I just put the link on my blog!I also just found this blog........super cute! It is nice to see a fellow creative type!Can't wait to come up with a fall idea!
Okay, I totally forgot to grab the button because someone came to my door, but I have it up now!
Finished my post! Not sure how to get or where to put the url for the button to appear in the body of the post so I just saved it as a picture and posted it that way.
Guess I need to come over and get another personal tutorial! :)
Your room looks so great! And what a great idea. I will try to post this tomorrow!
Thanks so much!
Way to make more room! =)
I'm excited to see everyone's ideas... but I know I won't get to one yet. =)
I LOVE you craft corner, I wish I had one! I totally grabbed the button and put it on my blog!!!
What a great bargain fine with that 2 drawer organizer!
I posted about your Monthly Craft challenge Here:
I really need to read my comments before I hit send. That would "great finD" an it is a 3 drawer not . It's been a long day! :) and I am looking forward to joining this months craft challenge!!
Awesome craft corner!!! Love it!! Can't wait to do the craft challenge, not sure yet what I will come up with though!:-)
Very cool new seasonal button! I added it to my side bar, can't wait for the new set of challenges!
The room looks great!
I'm likin' the craft challenge theme. Now, let's see what I can come up with.
I just posted your button :) This is a good challenge for me because I don't have too many Halloween decorations for the house.
Oh my word....you're the queen of organization.
I just posted your button. Should be fun!
I just posted the button. I need to get working....
Your room looks great.
I posted about the craft challenge today! I'm ready to get my Halloween/Fall craft on!
I would love to have the space to organize my craft supplies as well! I am excited for fall and to start some new crafts with my MOPS group!
I found you through Kelli at RTSM, and am so excited about this craft challenge. I haven't done much crafting since before my youngest was born {seven months ago!} Ready to get back in the craftin' groove!
I'm late to the party, but this looks like it will be a fun party.
I'll put the button up now.
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