Friday, June 26, 2009

wanted: a new summer hairdo

I'm not a fan of many pictures with me in it, but this one actually turned out really cute!

I kind of feel like I'm taking a mug shot with these next couple of pictures, but oh well!

Here's the before and after of the big cut and color. I wanted something fun and summery, so I asked her to chop it off. And, that she did...



The big neighborhood garage sale was a hit. Ryan, the kids, and I headed out a little before 10:00 and had a great time strolling up and down the streets for the next couple of hours. Where we live there are a couple of big neighborhoods that do annual garage sales all in the same weekend. So, you can literally get out of the car and just walk from house to house. You're almost guaranteed to have at least 2 houses having a garage sale on one street. It's garage sale heaven!!

Here are just a couple of the goodies we found for the kids. They got a little spoiled, but we can't pass up a good deal!

This little girl got herself a new bike today (with training wheels, of course!) She is zooming around everywhere with this thing already. I'm not liking that she all of a sudden looks way too grown up.

And I swore that we would never buy one of these motorized vehicles...oh, but we did. The price was just that good.

And this picture has nothing to do with my new haircut or garage sales, but how cute is this!? Check out that battle wound! We hope to get the stitches out Monday morning.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend!


Jennifer W. said...

Your hair is cute!! And I know what you mean about mug shots-I didn't like the pics of me with my new cut either. I'm usually not happy with pics of me in general!!
I love that first pic of you and Mikayla. It was so sweet.

vicki said...

LOVE the hair cut and color! The picture of you and Mikayla is so cute. Mikayla does look so grown up on her bicycle! Austin's picture is pretty funny.

Jen @ said...

Wow - what great things! I love your new summer 'do! I really want to do something different. I need to work up the nerve!


Rachel Holloway said...

TOTALLY cute new do! LOVE IT!

Tracey said...

Love the new hairstyle! I bet your kids will get lots of use out of that motorized vehicle!

He & Me + 3 said...

Your haircut is so cute. I love it. I am partial to short hair because that is all I have had for years and years...but it looks great. Super stylish!
i also love garage sales and haven't been to one this year. Bummer. I gotta get on that before all the good stuff is gone!

lsnellings said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new do!! And btw, I think this is the first time I have seen a picture of you!! You and Mikayla look so much alike!

Unknown said...

Love your new haircut- looks light for the summer!!!

Have a great weekend!


Kelli said...

Cute hair! I love getting a new do. Mikayla on the bike is too adorable and I hope Austin gets his stitches out soon...look at those blue eyes!

Sarah said...

I love the new haircut - so stylish and cute :)

Katie said...

Very cute hair cut and you'll like how your neck is open to air. I hear you on those motorized cars but kids do like them don't they? Glad you got a great price!

Russell Family said...

Love the hair! And what great finds at the garage sales!!!

Rhonda said...

Hey Heidi,
I love the first pic of you all! I can't believe how your hair color matches Mikayla's hair in that pic! Adorable!

I love your new hair fun! Your color looks great too! I going to get my hair colored this week!

I hit the jackpot today at yardsales as far as school clothes for Cam. Name brand, excellent condition, and only $.50 each. After I paid for some she told me the rest on the table are I filled up two more bags!! Happy dance!!!

Your kiddos will love the motorized jeep! My kids have a 4 wheeler and golf cart...they have LOVED it! I'm hoping it will make them better drivers someday too! ;O)

Have a great weekend!

Kelli W said...

Your new summer do is SUPER cute! I got mine cut a lot short the last time I went too, because I knew it was going to hot...and short is so much better in the summer! I love the motorized boys can play on theirs for hours {or until the battery dies!}. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Love your hair! You look so young and fresh! Great finds!

Miller Racing Family said...

Super cute new hair cut. I love the cut and color. I totally agree in the summer you always need to go shorter and lighter. I think every trip to the salon I get my haircut shorter, before long I won't have any hair.
Great yard sale finds, this almost motivates me to hit the sales.
Don't worry about not being around to comment on the blogs lately. Sometimes when we have the mind set we have to comment on each blog, it makes blogging into a job and not a way to relax. So when I have time I comment and other times I just read. No matter if you comment or not I always appreciate you stopping by my blog.
Have a great weekend!

Kim said...

Heidi! You look so hot! I love the haircut! I think we might need a girls night soon - especially so you can show that off... ;)

(It was so great hanging out last weekend, by the way.)

- kim

Tanielle said...

Your hair is sooo cute, and you are just beautiful!!! What a fun summery cut. Great finds at the yard sales!! Awesome!

Emily said...

What a cute mommy/daughter picture! And I love the new cut...totally makes me want to go get mine done. I'm glad to see Austin's not letting a few stitches get him down! Looks like you had a great weekend.

Jolene Brown said...

I love the new haircut! Very cute!

Sarah said...

I love the new hair cut!

Xazmin said...

Those are some awesome finds! I love the new 'do!

I just got a foot cut off my hair! It feels so much lighter!

Moore Minutes said...

LOVE your new haircut!! It's perfect for summer. <3

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