I won't take too much of your time in explaining what I'm raving about for Things I Love Thursday, but what I am about to share with you is something so divine that you might want to grab a pencil and piece of paper to jot this information down.
I'm a big fan of having a little treat every now and then, especially after the kids are down for the night and the hubby and I have some alone time together. After a long day of staying "on plan", this is when the sweets sabotage usually begins...would you agree?
I don't think I'm alone in saying that I've been working hard (or hardly working depending on the day) at trying to cut down on the mindless snacking or munching. But, every so often I get a sweets craving rush! It must be stopped with something or it can get pretty ugly. (One word: Oreos) Not too long ago I shared of my love for Skinny Cow Icecream Sandwiches. Now, I still love those little bits of goodness, but I think I have just recently found a new love.

Ever since I bought these for a friend's birthday (hi, Kim!), I have been over the moon ecstatic about how wonderfully yummy these taste. Oh. My. Goodness. Just a little piece of heaven, you know?
Here in lies the problem: they don't sell them in bulk at Costco like the Skinny Cow Icecream Sandwiches...yet. And, they are a little on the spendier side for me to be indulging in them every night (which, my Weight Watchers friends...I would dub as OK to do if you've saved your points - these babies are only 2 points, and compared to other dessert disasters, that's not too shabby. And, have I gotten the point across that IT'S WELL WORTH IT?)
I guess that's the short and SWEET version. If you're looking for a little something to curb your sweet tooth craving, here's the answer. Just don't let your mind get you into thinking that you should have more than one...in one sitting, that is.
Go visit The Diaper Diaries for more of Things I Love Thursday.
And, since we're talking a little bit about watching what we eat. My new blogging buddy Amber is helping to motivate all of "us" out there who need a little extra push in the right direction on staying on top of making healthy choices. She just started hosting a weekly series called Extreme Makeover - {Me Edition}. This gives us a chance to share our thoughts and give each other support in this journey we're on towards a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Gonna have to try those...YUM!!
Your pic in your last post was sooooo adorable! Love it!
Have a great Thursday!
They are very tasty. Thanks for bringing them to celebrate my day! I will check out extreme makeover since I am eating everything known to man. Hmmm....
We love the mint chocolate ice cream sandwiches here. Those definitely look worthy of a try...just for Mom!
I always look at the Skinny Cow treats at the grocery store but haven't bought them because I wasn't sure of the taste. Thanks for letting me know they're good. I love my treat at night but really have to start watching out-especially with spring/summer coming!!
I will have to try them out. Jeremy has a huge ice-cream addiction so I'm sure he hates it when I don't like having it in the house while I am trying to watch the scale. I should tell my mom about them...she's on Weight Watchers too.
I've never tried the Skinny Cow products, but with that glowing endorsement, I will! Thanks!
Yum! Those look great. I can't be trusted around ice cream though, I might not stop at just one.
I have signed up for the extreme makeover - me edition and am pumped about it! and you might be my new bff for telling me about the new skinny cow item! I love their stuff and this is a new one to me! I have been doing WWatchers off and on for about a year (since I had the baby) and have lost almost 30 lbs. I wouldn't have made it if it hadn't been for that skinny little cow and a few other snacks!
Yummmmmmy! I think I will HAVE to try those!!
oh my goodness, those sound amazing!!
I am going to have to pass the recommendation on to my sister, she is on weight watchers. plus, thank for the mention of home makeover me edition, I want to check that out! Blessings!
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