Tuesday, December 8, 2009

getting in the Christmas spirit!

So much to talk about, so little time!! We've been having lots of fun around here with our Countdown to Christmas activities! The days until Christmas arrives are flying by and we're just trying to soak in all the JOY of the season!

December 3rd - Visit with Santa!
We bundled up to watch Santa pull on up to our local library in a fire truck. After he arrived, they lit up the giant tree outside with lights and then we waited in {a very long} line to catch a glimpse of Jolly Old St. Nick. Mikayla told Santa she would like princess dolls and Austin is hoping for a race car...Lightning McQueen to be exact. Surprise, surprise! We had a great time as a family and got home just in time to tuck the kids into their warm beds. After the chilly evening, we were definitely thankful for a nice, warm house to come home to.

December 4th - Christmas movie with popcorn!
After the kids got squeaky clean in the bath tub, we popped some popcorn and they got to watch Santa Buddies, a new Christmas movie featuring their newest favorite obsession...dogs! I found some fun Christmas popcorn boxes that the kids had their popcorn in...just to make it a little more festive.

December 5th - "Welcome Home"
Grammy & Papa!

We picked my mom and dad up from the airport...flying in from Alaska to their winter home for the next 3 months...just a short 15-minute drive away! The kids hadn't seen Papa since last February (except for Webcam), and the last time they saw Grammy was in September when she was here for a short visit, so they were excited! For Saturday's activity, I had the kids make signs to welcome them home...with Christmas colors and stickers, of course!
{I didn't even notice that the sign was upside down when I took the picture...nice.}

December 6th - Christmas tree hunting!
Whose idea was it anyway to go out in FREEZING temperatures to find a tree! Oh, yes, that would be my crazy tradition I wanted to do this year. Sunday was really the only day we could do it, so just before dusk, we headed out in the FREEZING temperatures to find "the tree". The little farm we visited was great and we will be back next year. This is our best tree yet and it smells so fresh! Austin wasn't the happiest of children (as evident in the pictures below), but we all survived...and even came home with a candy cane. Chocolate milk was promised for when we got home!

December 7th - Decorate the tree
and listen to Christmas music!

Mikayla really got into the tree decorating this year. While Ryan and I did the lights, the kids danced around to Christmas music. We then let the kids open up their ornament boxes to see their special ornaments that they have collected so far. I loved seeing their faces light up with excitement. I must admit I was a little on edge that they might break something, but super glue only had to come out once...so far. I compromised this year and decorated it the way I wanted, but also let the kids put up their ornaments (near the bottom of course). I love how they hang them all in one place. Last year, we put up all the "special memories" ornaments and used colored lights on our tree, but thought I would change it up this year. Everything I used for the tree, I already had in my Christmas boxes! Gotta love those after Christmas sales!

Hope you are enjoying all of the festivities that Christmas brings! Remember to spend time with the ones you love...


Jo Shabo said...

oh my gosh you are REALLY having lots of fun this Christmas season! Way to go!! :)

Rhonda said...

Oh what fun!! Looks like you all are having a blast. Love all the pics! LOVE this time of year!

Kelli W said...

It looks like everyone is having a great time counting down until Christmas! I love the popcorn and movie pics...too cute! Our activity for today is watch a Christmas cartoon...I may just pop some popcorn to go with it!

Kelli said...

Fun times! I love those popcorn containers. We are watching Charlie Brown tonight and I'm sure there will be some popcorn involved. Cute tree!

Braley Mama said...

Your tree looks beautiful!

Dawn said...

Cute pictures-we have Santa Buddies to watch this weekend-the girls have been wanting to see it!

Jamie said...

I love all the pictures! So fun!

Xazmin said...

Wow. You are seriously Super Mom! We haven't made it to see Santa yet...hopefully before the week's over though!

Love the popcorn buckets! Glad you got to spend some great family time together!

He & Me + 3 said...

What fun. I love their little popcorn bins. Great collages too. I have always wanted to buy a real tree. Maybe some year.

Katie said...

Wowza have you been busy! I love the sign to greet Grandma and Papa.

jennykate77 said...

Man, you guys have been BUSY!!! I love the pictures and all the little projects you've been doing with your kiddos! It's such a wonderful time of year!

Miller Racing Family said...

What great activities you all have been up to. We are loving the ABC Families 25 days till Christmas Shoes. I can' believe our DVR hasn't blown up yet.
Have a great day!

Tammy Williams said...

Great Tree! We gave up hunting for a tree. Call us party poopers but our store-bought tree looks just as pretty as last year's tree-farm one;) We love movie nights around here too. I am trying to decide if the kids are old enough to take them to the theater to see the new Chipmunks movie. See you tonight!

Anonymous said...

You are making such great memories with your kids! Love the pictures!!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Look how festive you are! What fun activities! I need to get a move on and do some fun things with the kiddos. Cute pics!


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