Hooray for Muffin Tin Mondays!
Today's theme over at Her Cup Overfloweth is faces/people. The first thing that popped into my head were pizza faces. I didn't quite have the creative juices flowing to think outside the box (I need to clear all the cobwebs out of there first). English muffin pizzas are always a hit at our house, so why not go with something I KNOW they love to eat!
spread the sauce
(look at the cute chef's assistant)
(look at the cute chef's assistant)
some sliced olives for the eyes
(see that little hand sneaking in for an olive?)
(see that little hand sneaking in for an olive?)
and pineapple for the nose
(Austin is just eye-ing those olives!)
(Austin is just eye-ing those olives!)
finished off with a Canadian bacon smile
ready for the oven!
and ready to eat!
For the side dish the kids got muffin cups of applesauce and to stick with the theme, I added a raisin face.
I guess someone is a little excited to dig in!
If you feel like joining in the fun, check out Michelle's blog at Her Cup Overfloweth.
In other Monday morning news...
Mikayla and I headed to the hospital this morning for an echocardiogram appointment that was scheduled after her doctor's visit last week. Last week was the second time that Dr. Tami had heard a heart murmur, so she wanted me to take Mikayla to get an ultrasound of her heart. She said most likely it was nothing to worry about, but she just wanted to be sure.
I told Mikayla we were going to a different doctor. I knew she had no idea what was in store for her. We made it to the hospital, chatting the whole way. I love spending time with her these days. She's so talkative and you can actually have a conversation! We arrived in the lobby at exactly 8:00 and waited for the technician to come get us. Around the corner walked a male technician and I instantly thought, "oh, darn it! this isn't going to be good." For some unknown reason, Mikayla has a slight aversion to males (swim instructors, dentists, etc.) She instantly jumped in my lap and started crying and saying that she didn't want to go.
For the next 20 minutes I tried to calm down this poor girl who was very upset about the whole thing. I couldn't peel her from my lap. The poor technician didn't quite have a way with children, so I had to do my best to make the situation seem less scary to her by trying to explain what was going to happen. That she got to have pictures of her heart just like mommy got to have pictures of Mikayla and Austin when they were in her tummy.
She finally agreed to lay down, but only if she could lay on top of me. As I was laying there, stroking her hair, and rubbing her arms, I couldn't help but tear up at this brave girl. I knew that there were so many scary things for her...dimmed lights, strange room, strange man, etc. But, she did such a great job and laid still to let him listen to her heart and take pictures for the next 10 minutes. Not one more peep out of her. I think she looked at the screen the whole time. I was so proud of her!!
For a special surprise, I took her to the Dollar Tree to pick out a gift for being such a brave girl. We were in and out less than 3 minutes because she knew exactly what she wanted...a princess puzzle. That girl loves puzzles! On the way out, she also wanted to get something for her brother and again my heart was filled with pride for this sweet girl.
I'm so proud of you, Mikayla Lynne!

Mikayla and I headed to the hospital this morning for an echocardiogram appointment that was scheduled after her doctor's visit last week. Last week was the second time that Dr. Tami had heard a heart murmur, so she wanted me to take Mikayla to get an ultrasound of her heart. She said most likely it was nothing to worry about, but she just wanted to be sure.
I told Mikayla we were going to a different doctor. I knew she had no idea what was in store for her. We made it to the hospital, chatting the whole way. I love spending time with her these days. She's so talkative and you can actually have a conversation! We arrived in the lobby at exactly 8:00 and waited for the technician to come get us. Around the corner walked a male technician and I instantly thought, "oh, darn it! this isn't going to be good." For some unknown reason, Mikayla has a slight aversion to males (swim instructors, dentists, etc.) She instantly jumped in my lap and started crying and saying that she didn't want to go.
For the next 20 minutes I tried to calm down this poor girl who was very upset about the whole thing. I couldn't peel her from my lap. The poor technician didn't quite have a way with children, so I had to do my best to make the situation seem less scary to her by trying to explain what was going to happen. That she got to have pictures of her heart just like mommy got to have pictures of Mikayla and Austin when they were in her tummy.
She finally agreed to lay down, but only if she could lay on top of me. As I was laying there, stroking her hair, and rubbing her arms, I couldn't help but tear up at this brave girl. I knew that there were so many scary things for her...dimmed lights, strange room, strange man, etc. But, she did such a great job and laid still to let him listen to her heart and take pictures for the next 10 minutes. Not one more peep out of her. I think she looked at the screen the whole time. I was so proud of her!!
For a special surprise, I took her to the Dollar Tree to pick out a gift for being such a brave girl. We were in and out less than 3 minutes because she knew exactly what she wanted...a princess puzzle. That girl loves puzzles! On the way out, she also wanted to get something for her brother and again my heart was filled with pride for this sweet girl.
I'm so proud of you, Mikayla Lynne!
This is super creative!! It looks so fun for your kids.
English Muffin pizza faces is brilliant. We love e.m. pizzas too.
Hope all goes well with your daughter--that was a very touching tribute to her.
Those look like some happy, yummy pizzas!
Love the muffin tin! Austin's expression looking at the olives is priceless. I am glad that Mikayla was able to calm down to get her ultrasound. She is such a sensitive and sweet little girl. The puzzle looks great!
Love the lunches!
You should be proud of Mikayla! What a sweet girl!
My Katelyn had the same thing done last summer for a heart murmur. It was NOT fun so I feel your pain.
Cute MTM! Isn't it so sad when kids are afraid of the doctor? So sad! :-(
How sweet! The pizzas are unbelievably cute. We had a similar scenario with a doctor when one of my daughters was younger and, although you know it's for their own good, it still breaks your heart!
The pizzas turned out SUPER cute, and I love the applesauce...so easy and so cute! I'm glad the dr. visit turned out okay! And you should be proud of her, she sounds such a sweet girl and a great big sister!
Seriously, could your kids BE any CUTER!!!!!
I love the applesauce with a raisin smiley face!
I hope that the test comes back ok. Those pizza faces were so cute I love this muffin tin idea. Yummy applesauce idea too.
I say this every week, I am going to have to do this muffin time Monday.
I hope everything comes out alright in Mikayla's test. I am so amazed at how well she did, I know the test must have been scary for all of you.
Have a great Monday!
Cute pizzas! Way to go Mikayla!
What sweet pictures, yummy food and fun idea--they really look like they had a good time too!
Yummy pizzas!! I am sure that was quite scarey for Mikayla and you! Glad that you were able to work your magic and she did okay. Keep us posted on the results.
How fun! I love that idea. Your kids are so cute.
I will be thinking of you and the test. Sending you good thoughts.
your pizza faces are adorable
Sorry to hear about mikayla, i hope everything turns out okay. she was very brave and mom was very supportive
THose pizzas look yummy and I love that Austin loves olives. I wish my kids would eat like that. I'm so proud of Mikayla! I hope the tests all turn out well.
Super cute pizzas!! I hope everything's ok with Mikayla's heart! Keep us posted.
Adorable pizzas, and dessert, AND kids! :) Too cute. I hope all is OK w. your little girl. She's a pretty princess, herself, it looks like!
Love the pizzas. We have made them before but didn't organize the ingrediants in a muffin tin! Great idea! One dish to clean instead of 5!
I hope Mikayla's test results come back good. Bless her heart. Some kids do prefer one sex to the other I've noticed in sunday school. Good thing my hubby does it with me.
Hope your having a great week! ;O)
Do you have the results back yet? I am praying that everything is fine. I am glad your doctor is taking the precaution.
BTW, love the pizza faces! Cute idea;)
my son is going to love you for this we are supposed to have a lunch time playdate and this is going to be so much fun for them to make personal pizza's thank you
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