Friday, June 26, 2009

happy stampers

I had my first Stampin' Up! card making event last night. It turned out to be a pretty small group, but I really enjoyed it! I know that each of the ladies had a lot of fun, too! They were even teaching ME stuff about Stampin' Up products! I hope to make this a monthly event...card making is just so addicting!

Thanks, ladies, for the fun time!

I thought you might like to see the cards we made.

They had their choice of which direction they wanted the card to go. This was made with Seeing Spots stamp set that is retiring from the catalog! I had to get in one last demo using this set.

This is a fun one that reminded me of summer. Wouldn't these make cute summer birthday party invitations!? I didn't come up with the design of this card, by the way. It's all over the internet!

Lastly, I just had to use the Cheep Talk set that you have seen quite a bit already on my blog. I can't get enough of these little birdies. Too cute!

And like I said before, card making is very addicting! In fact, after the ladies left, I wanted to keep creating, so I used up all the leftover supplies and made 10 more cards of the 3 designs we made.

{Not sure why the picture is sideways, but I'm too tired to figure it out.}

Off to hit some garage sales during the weekend, a hair cut and color that is very much needed, and a carnival birthday party for the cousins on Saturday. Busy weekend, but I'm sure it will be lots of fun! Ryan has to work on Sunday, so that day might be a long one.


Kelli said...

Great work! I have a question, for the first card, how did you create the shape of the white paper? For Caleb's verse I was thinkig of having the paper cut in a shape but wasn't sure how.

Dawn said...

How fun! I love that little popsicle card!!!

Michie said...

I love the popsicle card. I have been wanting to try making cards, but for some reason they intimidate me. Any tips for a beginner card maker?

He & Me + 3 said...

Ok, next Birthday party for my kids you totally have to make the I can look good. You do such a great job. Love the creamsicles. so cute.

Anonymous said...

I love all cards! You are making me WANT to make some cards.

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

These are adorable. And isn't it great to be able to get together with friends and just craft???


Kelli W said...

Those cards are so cute! I really need to learn how to do this so I can make some invites for my boys birthday parties this summer! I need a beach ball or pool themed invite and I don't know what to do!!

Anonymous said...

They're so pretty!

Mine never turned out that good :)

Sally said...

Thanks Heidi! It was so much fun... I had a great time and the cards were so cute... I loved every one of them! Can't wait for the next event. :)

vicki said...

It looks like they had alot of fun! Wish I could have been there! Have a fun weekend. Looking forward to seeing your new hair cut.

Anonymous said...

I am so sad I missed it. I would love to have made the cards. They are beautiful. I can learn a few things from you!!! I will be there next month...hopefully!

Jennifer W. said...

What cute cards! I've never really considered making my own cards, but that looks like fun.

Rhonda said...

Love all the cards and looks like everyone had a lot of fun!

I've got to finish Cameron's invitations!! to nail down reservations first I much to little time!

Miller Racing Family said...

All the cards look so cute. I love the summer party invitation. Looks like you could take a bite out of it.
Sounds like you are going to have a fun weekend.

Emily said...

So cute! The Popsicle card is adorable!

Katie said...

The orange creamsicle card is super cute!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Ok, that popsicle card is too cute.

Creekmore's said...

I love the popcicle card, that is adorable. I think that could be turned into a quick kids craft or a card for a friend made by the child, so cute!

Bobbi & Noe said...

I wanna go so bad!!! I wish you lived by me. Looks so fun!

Jolene Brown said...

Those cards are SO cute! I was bummed I couldn't make it, I hope to next time though!

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