Saturday, January 22, 2011

desk clutter...good bye!

So, technically today is Day 19 of the 21 Day Organization Challenge which is the master closet (sounds so overwhelming right now!), but since I showed up late to the party (found the challenge on Day 9), I'm still trying to work on all of the challenges I have missed before I start the new ones. Will I ever get caught up?

Today's task that I was determined to get done was to get our computer desk in working function again. Over the holidays (and, if I'm really being honest, even before that) our office became the pit of doom and whenever company came over I made sure the door was tightly closed (it's the first room you see when you walk in our front door). Thank goodness for not having glass french doors!!

I'm back on Day 2 of the Challenge when we were encouraged to clean off the TOP of our computer desk. We are blessed with an amazing computer desk that my husband was able to get for a smokin' deal before we moved into our new house last April. I love the color, the layout, and all of the space to put things. However, as you will see in the "before" pics, you'll notice that I wasn't using it to its full potential and instead of looking like a gorgeous desk unit, it looked like a place to dump things. Today that has changed!!



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{up close}

{up close}

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{this was definitely the hot spot for paper clutter!}

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{left side of the desk with top part opened}

I'm so happy to see all that clutter cleared off! It really is going to be my mission to keep this space clutter free. To make that happen, I need to work on my "mail/paper system", which is Day 17 of the Challenge, so I'll be getting to it soon...let's hope! I also noticed after looking at these pictures, I'd like to change the decor a little for this space, but for now I'm going to leave it "as is" as I tackle other spaces that need organizing. I need to start with that part first and then I can work on sprucing up the spaces a bit next.

Now, it's time to organize some craft supplies for a craft night with some ladies from MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). I look forward to relaxing tonight after working on such a big project!


Rhonda said...

Wow, what a difference! I love your is awesome! Doesn't it feel so good when you are all organized and clean!

vicki said...

Looks great! You did an awesome job! Can't wait to see it in person. Hope you had fun at the craft night.

Jen @ said...

It looks so good!! I have never loved organizing but I am really starting to get into it this year. And it feels so good!

I spent the week cleaning out my office. It hasn't been this clean in 3 years - lol!

Good job!


Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

It looks amazing! I hope you don't worry too much about trying to catch up with the challenge. You are doing so well, already!

Sarah said...

Nice!!! It looks great. Isn't it more fun to work on the computer without a huge mess. Still working on mine =)

Kelli said...

Aren't these challenges great? I need to really make the time and tackle some of these things. You did a great job in your fresh and clean. Enjoy your clean space.

Anonymous said...

Looks amazing!! Now if it were me I would have to open the drawers and confess that everying was just stuffed in a drawer!! Good Work! :)

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