This last weekend we headed up to McChord Air Force Base just south of Tacoma, WA, to stay a few days with my sister and her family (my mom is staying there, too, until mid-August). My brother and his family also came up, so it was a house full of kids!! Although it felt overwhelming with everyone at times, it was still a lot of fun to enjoy family and fun. (I only wish my dad could have been there, too!)
We drove up Friday morning (after a "quick" shopping trip at Ikea) and stayed through Sunday mid-afternoon. The drive wasn't too bad, and went by pretty quickly. We had lots of snacks on hand and of course the portable DVD player came in handy for that last stretch of road. We packed more than we used, but we had room, so why not? The nights were a little rough and Mikayla was wired on Friday night...staying up until 11:00 or so. At first it was comical how she just kept moving all around, but then it got old real quick. She enjoyed the freedom of not being confined to a crib. Austin decided that he liked having mommy and daddy in the same room with him, so he chose to rise and shine a bit too early. Thank goodness for grandmas!!
On Saturday we attended the McChord Air Force Base Air Expo. More on that will come later...there are a lot of pictures to share (mostly of airplanes in the sky)!

Mikayla helping make Friday night's dinner - chicken enchiladas!

Noah & Mikayla enjoying a pre-breakfast treat - early risers!

Austin & Hunter - we call them "the twins"

Jacob's shirt reads: "Don't Bother Me I'm Playing Video Games"

The Cousin Clan:
Jacob (7 1/2 yrs.), Noah (2 1/2 yrs.), Mikayla (2 yrs.), Hunter (1 yr.), Austin (10 mo.) & Hailey (2 wks.)
Hailey LeeAnne (2 weeks old)

Mikayla holding Hailey
Look at those teeth!

Ice cream treat on the ride home